VOCABULARIO Unidad 5 Etapa 1 &2 Spanish II
Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower REFLEXIVE VERBS: VERBOS REFLEXIVOS
Afeitarse to shave Ponerse la ropa to get dressed
Bañarse to take a bath acostarse to go to bed
Lavarse To wash oneself Maquillarse To put on makeup
Peinarse el cabello To comb one’s hair Lavarse los dientes To brush one’s teeth
Hacer la cama To make the bed Dormirse To fall sleep LOS QUEHACERES- CHORES
Limpiar el cuarto To clean the room Barrer el piso To sweep the floor
Quitar el polvo To dust Pasar la aspiradora To vacuum
Lavar los platos To wash the dishes Planchar To iron