Why do people use drugs?
Name some of your favorite comedy movies
- “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z
Palms rise to the universe As we moonshine and molly Feel the warmth, we’ll never die We’re like diamonds in the sky You’re a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I’m alive We’re like diamonds in the sky - “Diamonds” by Rihanna
White lips, pale face Breathing in snowflakes Burnt lungs, sour taste Light's gone, day's end Struggling to pay rent Long nights, strange men Ed Sheeran- A Team
So la da di da di we like to party Dancing with Molly Doing whatever we want This is our house This is our rules And we can't stop And we won't stop Miley Cyrus- We Can’t Stop
Rihanna- We Found Love Yellow diamonds in the light And we're standing side by side As your shadow crosses mine What it takes to come alive
What percentage of rap songs have drug references? 77%
Is the media responsible?
Despite the obvious health affects, what is another reason adults don’t want kids experimenting with cigarettes or marijuana?
Gateway Drug Theory: States that the use of less powerful drugs can lead to a future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs
Marijuana Cocaine Meth Steroids Molly’s Bath Salts Heroin LSD Ketamine Nitrous Ritalin MDMA Amphetamines Nicotine Crack Caffeine Alcohol Opium Mushrooms PCP Huffing Ephedrine
Stimulants Definition: Amphetamines Methamphetamines Caffeine Nicotine Cocaine Crack Ritalin Ephedrine MDMA Drugs that speed up body functions
Stimulants - Slang Names AmphetaminesMethamphetamines Cocaine Crack Ephedrine MDMA Uppers IceSpeedCrank CokeSnow Molly EEcstasy Herbal Ecstasy Rock Blow Meth
Stimulants - Effects on the Body ↑ ↑ Heart Rate ↑ ↑ Respiration Rate ↑ ↑ Blood Pressure ↑ ↑ Energy ↑ ↑ Body Temperature Irritability/ Nervousness Confidence/ Euphoria Restlessness/ Sleeplessness 6. ↓ ↓ Appetite
Stimulants - Dangers of Abuse Stroke Physical Dependence Mental Dependence Severe Severe Weight Loss Tissue Damage - Nose Depression Fatigue Paranoia Violence 11. Tolerance 6. Lung Damage
Why would people use stimulants?
After using stimulants, what would be so dangerous things to do? 1_y8c4 6:50 9:28