Drug Use and Abuse Healthy Active Living
Drug Definitions Drug: any substance that changes the way the body or mind works. Ex/ illicit drugs, laxatives, vitamins, steroids, sleeping pills, everyday beverages such as pop, tea, coffee Drug Use: act of taking drugs which may or may not interfere with ones daily activities Drug abuse: involves use of a drug to the extent that it interferes with ones life at school, work, family, friends etc
Types of Drugs: Stimulants (uppers): drugs that speed up the central nervous system and make you feel more energetic, alert and help you stay awake for long periods of time, also, decreases your appetite, make you feel euphoric Ex/ cocaine, amphetamines (speed), tobacco, caffeine, Ritalin
Types of Drugs Depressants (downers): drugs that slow down the functions of the central nervous system and make you less aware of the events around you. Ex/ alcohol, opiates (narcotics), sedatives, tranquillizers
Types of Drugs Hallucinogens (psychedelics): drugs that distort the senses and ones awareness of perception of events. One might see or hear things that don’t actually exist. Ex/ LSD (Acid), PCP (Angel Dust, Ketamine, Magic Mushrooms, Bath Salts)
Types of Drugs Club Drugs: used as a category based on where they’re frequently encounters. Activities include taking different types of drugs such as Ecstasy, Ketamine, GHB, Rohypnol