Bell-ringer 1) What comes to mind when you hear the words “research” and “argument”? 2) Do you have a library card? 3) What is the difference between a primary and a secondary source?
What is History Fair? Mandatory 2 nd quarter project Research topic in Chicago History Make convincing argument using primary and secondary sources Present findings to larger audience Compete in school fair in February, advanced levels March-June
What should I know about topic choices?
Topic must… relate to something that happened in Chicago area history be at least 25 years old, though impact can (and ideally should) continue today NOT be an overused topic such as “Chicago Fire” or “Al Capone” be approved by the teacher fit this year’s theme **You will be given a list of possible topics, or you may choose your own with teacher approval.
What is this year’s theme?
Revolution Overthrow of a government or social order for a new system Sudden and/or significant change in a situation
Reaction An action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event
Reform Make changes in something (a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it
What are the different ways I can present my findings? Can I have partners?
Research Paper pages typed in Times New Roman point font Outline and annotated bibliography (such a bibliography will be required for all projects) In-line citations, endnotes, or footnotes Individual students only—NO partners
Exhibit Poster board up to 40 inches wide, 30 inches deep, 6 feet high Mixture of words and pictures Looks like a mini- museum Up to TWO students per project Most popular category
Live Performance 10 minute skit based on an original script that you write Use props, costumes, action sequences Perform for a live audience (judges and a few observers) Must be able to overcome stage fright Up to FIVE students per project
Video Documentary 10 minute video that looks like something you’d see on Channel 11 Use pictures, video footage, interviews (if possible), sound effects, music, transitions Requires some knowledge of computers and video editing software Access to a computer at home is necessary Up to FIVE students per project
Website Develop a website with multiple links and pages using weebly program Computer at home is necessary; website development skills are helpful (html code, etc.) but not required MUST attend some after-school orientation sessions Up to FIVE students per project
Exit slip 1) Summarize the most important things you learned about History Fair from this slide show and discussion. 2) Which format seems the MOST appealing to you right now, and which seems the SECOND MOST appealing? WHY? 3) Do you think you might want to work with partners (in this class or some other classes)? If so, WHO? 4) What kinds of topics and time periods interest you most? Why? Be as specific as you can.