Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 1 Agenda –5/14/2014 Monday - Unit #89 Howard J Rattliff, Jr. – Principles of Technology - Course # Use of Animation in Powerpoint
Today’s Class Unit 89 – 5/14/2014 Lecture Class Review – Key Topics Last Lecture on Monday 5/12 Unit 88 >> : Provided an overview of printing operations in Powerpoint. Most common to print Slides only (1 slide per page). Many other print options exist but not frequently used except for printing an individually selected slide option. The printing of 1 slide out of a deck or presentation is used quite often. Saved your project on the UME student server class folder ( \\student\ Into to Technology\ Animation ) directory path where your individual files should be stored with a unique id (your name and a date e.g. hrattliff_animation_ _a). This name id the user, provides the project date as 4-7 and identifies a revision number or letter (rev a). See notes.\\student\ Student volunteers completed individual presentations using animation features in Powerpoint. Discussed features used. Class and Instructor feedback were provided to the presenters. Today’s Objectives: Continue a few more example individual presentations of student work Provide Feedback Discuss the team animation assignment project to compare with the individual presentation just completed. Similarities vs Differences
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 3 Legend: Instructor Class Individuals Assignment/ Discussions SME = Subject Matter Expert Unit 89 Agenda,, Rm On Campus Dress: Business Casual,, Rm On Campus Dress: Business Casual StartEndTopic/Discussion Teacher / Instructor Duration Time Elapse Time Counter 1:251:30 Meeting Final Checks (and Dial in -Not Applicable Mr Rattliff 0:000:00 1:301:30 > -- Welcome - Introductions of any Guests? > -- Welcome - Introductions of any Guests? Mr Rattliff 0:000:00 1:301:35 Class Roster (1st 5 minutes of Class) - Mr Rattliff 0:050:05 1:351:35 Agenda for Today & Logistics Agenda for Today & Logistics Mr Rattliff 0:000:05 1:351:40 Today’s Class Objectives: 1.Animation and 2.Team Project “” 0:050:10 1:401:45 Quick Review of Last Lesson “” 0:050:15 1:452:05 Individual Animation Feedback - “Class” 0:200:35 2:052:20 Team Project 2- Animation Discussion Mr Rattliff 0:150:50 2:202:25 Next steps and assignments – (Unit 90 –Fri. “” 0:050:55 No Reading Assignment.
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 4 Assignment --- No New Reading Assignment Today. Recent Reading Assignments – was due Monday 4/21 PP2.9 to PP2.20 working with tables in Powerpoint. And Enhancing Objects (rotation (PP 2.30), cropping (PP 2.23), shapes (PP 2.27), text box or placeholder (PP 2.32), slide background (preview function before selecting PP 2.40)).. Most Recent Reading Assignments – was Due Friday 4/25 pages PP2.42 – PP2.46> working with and editing the Master Slides in Powerpoint. PP 2.47 thru PP > Using Animation & Sound effects, PP 2.73 – PP2.74 Customized Print settings and printing slides. No New Reading Assignment Today.
Interactive Features - Animation & Sound Media Multimedia refers to content or a product that uses a combination of different forms of content. This contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactivity content forms.content formstextaudiostill imagesanimationvideointeractivity Interactivity refers to a set features that are either programmed (automated) or Interactive with the environment (interactive user (mouse click or move over an object), event driven (monitoring and when it occurs a task is performed), or condition (If Then Logic branching) in order to perform predefined tasks within a presentation. – These are typical break points in your presentation that will allow you to demonstrate a particular principle or concept. Animation vs Simulation ??
Powerpoint Animation Features 2D and 3D animation Bitmap and Vector graphics images Stick Figure Animation SW Pencilhttp:// 2 D traditional Animation open source sw for Mac and Win OS Adobe Flash Professional Inactive Features - Animation & Sound Media Create and deliver engaging animation and multimedia content Maya by Autodesk Powerpoint Animation Features Used in military and scientific communities MathCad and Autocad Computer Automated Design (CAD) and Manufacturing (CADAM) MathCad Animation for Advance Mathematics : formula notation>> y = x 2 for x [0,3]: right endpointsright endpoints
Why and When to Use Animation? Enhance the effectiveness of your message/purpose – Poor presenters use animation in place of substance. – For decoration/cute/cheesy/etc Part of Planning Stage. – Part of knowing your audience, the audio visuals you will be using (computer speed/audio effects/software loaded on the PC, etc. – Is it necessary. Simple is always better in this case. Purpose for the movement is important! – Movement on slides (any movement attracts audience attention – good and bad ) In the flow of the presentation, when is an optimum time? 1.No one size answer fits all but knowing your audience helps and planning is critical. Uses 1.Good for revealing complex information in stages. Makes it memorable. 2.Highlight the key areas, when there are many competing elements on your slide. E.g. a key process or critical component in a process flow diagram you are explaining. 3.Fully illustrating or demonstrating a concept from beginning to end, Narrative long form –step by step. NOTE: Best used for training applications or an online 24 hr resource.
Media files (file extensions) Powerpoint is able to handle several file formats – Wav – Wmf – Avi – Mpeg – Many others (bmp, jpeg,tiff,etc)
Animation Steps/Process Flow Begin with the basic PowerPoint Process – Plan/ Create/ Edit/ Enhance/ …. When it come to Animation and Multimedia …. The Plan and Enhance steps are key. – Plan the briefing and why and where you want to use animation? The desired results. – Add animation during the Enhance process step. During ENHANCE STEP, select the item(s) you desire to animate begin with the Animation Tab ( Home\Insert\Design\Transitions\Animations\Slide Show\Review\View\Format ). Either 1. select the object or 2. default to all and let Power point assign the default options for you. I prefer option 1 to select the specifics in order to optimize and control the delivery for maximum audience impact. The process involves TRAIL and ERROR. Try it and modify, refine…. Various ways to add Animation – Menu Bar (None, Appear, Fade, etc>>>>>>) – Add Item Menu Button – Start / stop timing/ Delay until some event or time has occurred (Event Driven) – Event Driven – Record feature – Order feature to reorder the animation steps as desired. Smart Art Object Animation is better than text animation.
Sound Steps/Process Flow Begin with the Insert Tab ( Home\Insert\Design\Transitions\Animations\Slide Show\Review\View\Format ). Add audio button to access audio library on existing PC (normal case). Can use to bring in audio from other media sources ( a server/ I tunes library/ CD etc. ). Royalty free music is provided by Microsoft Various ways to add Sound Effects… *.wav file extensions. 30kb to 525 kilo bytes musical samples used. Microsoft uses Windows Media Player. Hwd and Software. Speakers and Sound media player Compatibility is always a risk!!! Check your equipment and develop a back up plan just in case. A laptop, a modified presentation, etc. – Menu Bar (None, Appear, Fade, etc>>>>>>) – Add Item Menu Button – Start / stop timing/ Delay until some event or time has occurred (Event Driven) – Event Driven – Record feature – Order feature to reorder the animation steps as desired. Playback Control menu Make sure you media player and sound are tested before. Rehearsal and practice make perfect in this case.…..
Video /Multimedia Steps/Process Flow Video is most problematic when used in multimedia presentations but has the most powerful impact on the audience. Begin with the Insert Tab ( Home\Insert\Design\Transitions\Animations\Slide Show\Review\View\Format ). Add Video button to access audio library on existing PC (normal case). Can use to bring in audio from other media sources ( a server/ I tunes library/ CD etc. ). Various ways to add Video Effects – Menu Bar (None, Appear, Fade, etc>>>>>>) – Add Item Menu Button – Start / stop timing/ Delay until some event or time has occurred (Event Driven) – Event Driven – Record feature – camera capture, etc. – Order feature to reorder the animation steps as desired. Playback Control menu Make sure you media player and sound are tested before. Rehearsal and practice make perfect in this case.…..
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. Simple Animation Lab
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. Individual Animation - Non-Graded Lab Practice Exercise - Prepare/Update an Existing Powerpoint using Animation in the Presentation Use the presentation process we learned – Plan /Create/ Edit/ Enhance/ Rehearse etc.. Layout about Charts using the Standard PP charts formats and structure we discussed in class. –Title Chart with name of the presentation and your name, etc. / –Presentation Outline – inform the audience and manage expectations- “set the stage” –The Briefing Charts with bullets (however many charts needed to accomplish the purpose of the briefing and the time constraints) –Brief Summary/Conclusion of the main point or action or decision required (related to the purpose of the briefing) –End /Q&A chart As part of the Enhance stage, please select areas in the briefing to include/add the following combination of useful animation features ( a transition effect for an entire slide such as reveal/wipe, etc, an object effect that related to a particular object in the briefing (an image/pic,table, and a text or bullet effect and lastly sound effect ) to the certain charts. Use the animation timing to control when the animation effects begins and ends. REMEMBER NOT TO OVERDUE THE USE OF ANIMATION !!! Use “Save As” Command to SAVE File to Student Class under your name /folder since we will reuse it. Go to Slide Show View to actively view and animated presentation. Objective: This exercise will help reinforce the presentation layout and arrangement skills we learned in powerpoint using some the key features. Help to introduce the selective use of key animation features. This is an individual lab. We will team up later in order to repeat a similar but slightly more sophisticated exercise. I want to ensure you all have a basic understanding prior to the teaming exercise.
Lab Discussion / Student Examples and Class & Instructor Feedback
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 15 End
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. Complex Animation Lab – Team Assignment Q-4-4
17 Small Team Projects 1.Small Teams – 2 or 3 members. Useful for: Collaborative and Creative Ad hoc (on the fly formation) 2.Although they are small – the Small Team project still require some basic planning and protocol – Be Professional Many of the skills we used for the Newsletter Project still apply Understanding the Purpose Brainstorming Good open communications, collaborative and honest feedback 3.Small project teams will require more flexibility rather than the distinct roles and responsibilities typically defined for large teams.
Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. Team Animation - Graded Lab Exercise - Q-4-4 Prepare/Update an Existing Powerpoint using Animation in the Presentation Use the presentation process we learned – Plan /Create/ Edit/ Enhance/ Rehearse etc.. Layout about 7-12 Charts using the Standard PP charts formats and structure we discussed in class. –Title Chart with name of the presentation and your name, etc. / –Presentation Outline – inform the audience and manage expectations- “set the stage” –The Briefing Charts with bullets (however many charts needed to accomplish the purpose of the briefing and the time constraints (15 minute max briefing time) –Brief Summary/Conclusion of the main point or action or decision required (related to the purpose of the briefing) –End /Q&A chart As part of the Enhance stage, please select areas in the briefing to include/add the following combination of useful animation features ( a transition effect for an entire slide such as reveal/wipe, etc, an object effect that related to a particular object in the briefing (an image/pic,table, and a text or bullet effect and lastly sound effect ) to the certain charts. Use the animation timing to control when the animation effects begins and ends. REMEMBER NOT TO OVERDUE THE USE OF ANIMATION !!! Use “Save As” Command to SAVE File to Student Class under your name /folder since we will reuse it. Go to Slide Show View to actively view and animated presentation. Learning object: 1. Demonstrate Working in Small Teams. 2) demo skills we learned in powerpoint using some the key features. 3. demo selective use of key animation features. 4. Produce a complete and professional quality powerpoint briefing presentation.
19 1.Key Elements include: the PP briefing format, header/ footers including page #s, school icon, novel animation and flow diagram if a process is used, length/ organizational flow and design ( introductory remarks/use of sound, bullets. Decide who presents and who drives the computer during presentation. Rehearse. 2.Team time will be allotted in Class to allow you to work. 3.Due Wednesday May 21, 2014, Team Animation - Graded Lab Exercise - Prepare/Update an Existing Powerpoint using Animation in the Presentation Any scientific or technical topic ( climate change, etc). You may have to research the topic. Seating changes will be based upon the project assignment 2 person teams as assigned by the teacher. Can use existing elements from the individual assignments Learn from recent presentations, etc.
20 Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 20 END