K + Z’s Grilled Cheez Zach Simpson and Kesler Rodgers Motto: Who doesn’t love to eat, Who doesn’t love to read? Partnership
K+Z’s Grilled Cheez are making Grilled Cheeses, Grilled Cheese Deluxe (2 slices of cheese)and bookmarks. I am in charge of the awesome grilled cheese and grilled cheese deluxe and Kesler is in charge of the bookmarks. You can have a lot of butter or a small amount of butter on your sandwich. In the deluxe you have to pay an extra $0.75 for the extra cheese so it makes it cost $2.75 because a regular grilled cheese cost $2.00. I need A Griddle Some Bread Some Butter Some Cheese A Spatula Tons of Napkins A Box (holds money) (Kesler and I are going to share it) Grilled Cheese
From our market research these are the reasons our grilled cheese will sell Most people don’t care where the product is made so my grilled cheese is going to be made at MP Most people don’t want bitter food and the grilled cheese isn’t bitter. Most people want food compared to a toy and a grilled cheese is food. Demand
Amount I need to make my product is $ Amount of my loan from the Parent National Bank is $ My 5% interest on my loan is $0.80. My TOTAL loan repayment is $ My collateral is: make coffee for my mom for a month. My total loan repayment is due: Friday March 6 th, 2015 The Bottom Line