Ch 20, Sec 3-5 Life on the Home Front while the War continues in Europe and Asia
Japanese Americans Relocated Attack at Pearl Harbor caused Japanese Americans to not be trusted All Japanese Americans had to move from the West Coast to internment camps Lasted from
Rationing and victory gardens Limited how much families could buy Blue and red stamps to buy sugar, meat, oil, fats, coffee, etc Make victory gardens for extra food Scrap drives to help collect metals/fat for bombs and weapons
Allies find success Summer of , nightly bombings on Germany Allies had total air control of Europe Allies moved from North Africa into Italy – Italy surrendered in Sept, 1943 – Germany took over Northern Italy-cost Allies 300,000 lives to defeat them
D-Day June 6, ,000 Allied troops attacked German troops at Normandy, France – Heavily fortified the coast against Allies plans – Attacked Utah, Omaha, Gold, Sword, and Juno beaches Allies won pushing back the Germans
Pacific Campaign Americans had to island hop to push back the Japanese – Very dangerous – Ships could not get close enough to deliver troops to the beaches-forced to swim in to fight Needed islands for bombers to refuel and re- arm
Retaking the Philippines: October 1944 Gen. MacArthur returned to take the islands with 160,000 troops Japanese tried to ambush the Allies but lost – Used Kamikaze attacks to sink ships 80,000 Japanese were killed/1,000 surrendered
The end is near for Germany Lost at the Battle of the Bulge – 100,000 German troops killed by Dec 16, 1944 Feb 1945, Russian troops 35 miles west of Berlin March 1945, U.S. troops within 70 miles East of Berlin April 30, 1945-Hitler is dead May 7, 1945-German surrendered – Known as V-E Day (Victory in Europe)
Battle for Iwo Jima U.S. needed the island for bombers to refuel Island of volcanic ash and mountains Feb ,000 Marines attacked – 6,800 died Japanese lost the island
End for Japan in 1945 U.S. started firebombing Tokyo/other major cities U.S. invaded Okinawa in April 1945 Japan refused total and unconditional surrender
Atomic Bombs are used August 6, 1945-Anola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima – 80, ,000 people died August 9, 1945-a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki August 15, 1945: – V-J Day (Victory over Japan) – Japan surrendered
In-Class Activity List 5 people that were involved in WW2 on the home front and what their role was. Example: Rosie the Riveter