{ Lost Object Locator Status Report #2, Josues Gonzalez Russell Pool John Jenkinson Miguel Alvarez Tracking device with phone application.
Design Milestones: Design Necessities: Received Parts Test Module Development V1 Development The LOL system expedites the process of finding many personal objects that are commonly lost regularly.
Recent Tasks: 3 Status Report #1 Received Parts Compiled website content Updated schedule Spec for Android App
Ongoing Tasks: 4 Test Module Development Xbee Arduino Code GPS Arduino Code LabVIEW to Arduino Communication LabVIEW to server Phone application Google maps API JSON database reader Website development and design
Upcoming Tasks: 5 Prototype v1 assembly Test prototype Develop Android app. Investigate circuit redesign Make smaller Power supply Learn Spanish (John, Russell)
Problems: 6 Parsing GPS output Long string of extraneous data Will need to learn NMEA scheme Synchronizing receiver to transmitter Specifying number of incoming bytes to LabVIEW from Arduino
15% 5% 99.5% 7
Summary 9 Design Necessities/Design Milestones Recent Tasks Ongoing Tasks Upcoming Task Problems Block Diagram Schedule