Floriculture Plant Identification S-Z 204-224
204 Saintpaulia ionantha cv. African Violet Colors: blue to violet to red flowers in groupings of 3 Characteristics: heart-shaped leaves with smooth margin; leaf texture-glossy, shiney Type of plant: house plant Size: 6” tall Growth requirements: average water needs; between 60-70 degrees-tough & hardy Davesgarden.com
204 Saintpaulia ionantha cv. African Violet shootgardening.co.uk
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Brenda Patten
205 Salvia splendens cv. Salvia Colors: blues, reds, oranges, pink yellows, purple, white Characteristics: flower spikes, grows upright clumps Type of plant: annual Size: 12” Growth requirements: can handle frost Other: used in floral designs, culinary arts, & medicine Denverplants.com
205 Salvia splendens cv. Salvia Landscaping.about.com
206 Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Snake Plant Other names: sword Plant, sansevieria, mother-in-law’s tongue, manolin Colors: green & tan variegations Characteristics: leaves long and green, look like a snake’s head Type of plant: succulent, tropical houseplant Size: 6-24” tall Growth requirements: average water, sun to partial shade Davesgarden.com
206 Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Snake Plant Evergrowing.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Brenda Patten
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
207 Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Plant Colors: white & blue/green leaves Characteristics: velvet/fuzzy texture; colorful lush plant Type of plant: groundcover; perennial Size: 6-12” Growth requirements: average water; light to full shade Other: Belongs to the genus Frageria, a member of the rose family Davesgarden.com
207 Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Plant Davesgarden.com
208 Schlumbergera bridgesii Christmas Cactus Other names: holiday cactus, zygocactus Colors: pink, red, coral, white Characteristics: grown for foliage, evergreen, smooth textured Type of plant: tropical, tender perennial Size: 18-24” Growth requirements: sun to partial shade; indoor; average water needs Other: not drought tolerant as other cactus; flowers ready for Christmas if cool treatments are started in Nov.--50-55 degrees F at night davesgarden
208 Schlumbergera bridgesii Christmas Cactus Demesne.info
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
209 Schlumbergera truncata cv. Thanksgiving Cactus, Crab Cactus Other names: crab cactus; zygocactus Colors: white, Characteristics: blue-green rubbery leaves, toothed margin Type of plant: tropical succulent Size: 6-18” Growth requirements: average water needs Other: bright direct sunlight, but only for a short time; bloom when nights are long Davesgarden.com
209 Schlumbergera truncata cv. Thanksgiving Cactus, Crab Cactus Albino.sub.jp
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Brenda Patten
210 Senecio cineraria ‘Diamond’ Diamond Dusty Miller Other names: silver ragwort Colors: light green Characteristics: grown for silvery light green foliage; velvet, fuzzy texture Type of plant: bedding plant Size: 6-12” Growth requirements: Other: used as annuals but will flower if they survive the winter and can be treated as perennials Davesgarden.com
210 Senecio cineraria ‘Diamond’ Diamond Dusty Miller Home.howstuffworks.com
211 Senecio x hybridus cv. Florist’s Cineraria Other names: Colors: various, bi-colored Characteristics: upright flowering Type of plant: flowering houseplant Size: under 24” Growth requirements: average water; partial shade Other: Denverplants.com
211 Senecio x hybridus cv. Florist’s Cineraria Flickr.com
212 Sinningia speciosa fiana Group cv.---Gloxinia Other names: Florist’s Gloxinia Colors: red, purple, blue, pink & bicolored Characteristics: bell shaped flower; green rounded leaves Type of plant: tropical plant; bedding Size: 6-12” Growth requirements: partial shade, water when soil is dry Other: don’t waterlog; related to African violet Thefloweringgarden.com
212 Sinningia speciosa fiana Group cv. Gloxinia Howstuffworks.com
212 Sinningia speciosa fiana Group cv. Gloxinia Thefloweringgarden.com
213 Solanum pseudocapsicum cv. Jerusalem Cherry Other names: winter cherry, madeira winter cherry Colors: white flowers; red berries Characteristics: Type of plant: houseplant Size: 8-12” Growth requirements: high water requirement while growing Other: Davesgarden.com
213 Solanum pseudocapsicum cv. Jerusalem Cherry Hear.org
214 Spathiphyllum clevelandii White Athurium, Peace Lily Other names: Colors: white Characteristics: evergreen; shiny, glossy textured; spadix & spathe; dark green, spear shape leaves Type of plant: tropical houseplant Size:12-24” Growth requirements: light shade; consistently moist soil Other: from Colombia Davesgarden.com
214 Spathiphyllum clevelandii White Athurium, Peace Lily Kaboodle.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
215 Stephanotis floribunda Stephanotis Other names: Madagascar jasmine; Hawaiian wedding flower, wax flower Colors: white Characteristics: smooth, shiny & glossy flower; leathery dark green leaves—3-5” leaves Type of plant: tropical vine Size: 12-12’ Growth requirements: average water, indoor Other: highly scented; waxy flowers resemble jasmine Burncoose.co.uk
215 Stephanotis floribunda Stephanotis Burncoose.co.uk
216 Strelitzia reginae Bird-of-Paradise Other names: crane flower Colors: orange and blue flower Characteristics: paddle shape, leathery leaves; orange petals shaped like a beak and a green leaf that cups the bloom Type of plant: tropical Size: 3’ tall Growth requirements: light shade, average water Other: grows in humid tropical climates; sensitive to touch Flickr.com
216 Strelitzia reginae Bird-of-Paradise Flickr.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
217 Syngonium podophyllum Nephthytis Other names: white-veined arrowhead vine Colors: white, green variagation Characteristics: variegated, sliver/gray; climbing vines with 3-parted leaves on long petioles when mature Type of plant: houseplant; vine Size: 18-24” Growth requirements: consistently moist Other: hanging baskets Davesgarden.com
217 Syngonium podophyllum Nephthytis Growsonyou.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Brenda Patten
218 Tagetes species cv. Marigold Other names: French, New Mexico, African marigold Colors: orange, yellow, mixed, red, maroon, cream Characteristics: Lacy leaves & petals Type of plant: annual bedding plant Size: 6”-3’ Growth requirements: Other: pungent odor; most common annual flowers; insect control in gardens edu/agexten/horticult/flowers.com
218 Tagetes species cv. Marigold Flickr.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
219 Tolmiea menziesii Pickaback Plant Other names: Colors: bloom-maroon Characteristics: small tufted plant with green-white and red flowers; attractive fresh, green leaves speckled with gold Type of plant: perennial Size: 12-18” Growth requirements: shady, well drained Other: grows best stream banks Flickr.com
219 Tolmiea menziesii Pickaback Plant Flickr.com
220 Tulipa cv. Tulip Other names: Colors: various except blue Characteristics: long green stem with long leaves and cup like bloom Type of plant: perennial; cut flower Size: 18-24” tall Growth requirements: warm environment; water ever other day Other: early spring bulb Gardenguides.com
220 Tulipa cv. Tulip Freephoto.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
221 Vaccinium ovatum Florist’s “Huckleberry” Other names: evergreen huckleberry Colors: blue berries; green leaves Characteristics: evergreen, glossy dark green leaves; urn shaped, white to pink flowers Type of plant: shrub; cut foliage Size: 2-3’ Growth requirements: light full sun to shade; soil moist but well drained & acidic soil Other: Rainyside.com
221 Vaccinium ovatum Florist’s “Huckleberry” Portlandnursery.com
222 Viola x wittrockiana cv. (Garden) Pansy Other names: Colors: various Characteristics: five petal flower with faces Type of plant: self-seeding annual Size: 6-12” Growth requirements: full sun to partial shade Other: Davesgarden.com
222 Viola x wittrockiana cv. (Garden) Pansy Msuplants.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
223 Zebrina pendula cv. Wandering Jew Other names: Colors: green with sliver, pink, purple Characteristics: leaves are elongated with pointed tip and striped dark green and silver, underside is purplish Type of plant: houseplant Size: 6-12” Growth requirements: regular water, full shade, humid Other: Deserttropicals.com
223 Zebrina pendula cv. Wandering Jew Toptropicals.com
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
Photo courtesy of Allison Touchstone
224 Zinnia elegans Zinnia Other names: Colors: various Characteristics: many petals; wide bloom Type of plant: annual Size: 6”-3-4’ Growth requirements: full sun; moderate water; well drained soil Other: flowers in late spring to early fall Ccs.ncsu.edu.com
224 Zinnia elegans Zinnia Flickr.com