Medical Provider Network: Provider Re-credentialing Karen Jost Health Services Analysis Program Manager October 23, 2014
2 Medical Provider Network (MPN) Status Over 21,000 approved providers. Access goal: ensure that the percent of injured workers within 15 miles of at least 5 attending provider types is within 5% of the January 2012 (pre-network baseline) for their county of residence. Goal continues to be met: 99% statewide, and stable by county Initial 3-year credentials up for re- credentialing January
4 Distribution of Quality of Care Clinical Efficiency Poor Good Community Physicians Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4 Excellent Health and Disability Outcomes Low to Moderate Medical and Disability Costs Average Health and Disability Outcomes Average Medical and Disability Costs Poor Health and Disability Outcomes Average to High Medical and Disability Costs Very Poor Health and Disability Outcomes High Medical and Disability Costs (Quality & Value) RECOGNIZE COHE High Adopters, Top Tier, Financial and Non- financial Incentives, Recognition, Mentors RECOGNIZE COHE High Adopters, Top Tier, Financial and Non- financial Incentives, Recognition, Mentors IMPROVE COHE Participation, Education, Mentoring, Evidence-based best practice guidelines, Top Tier, Financial and Non-Financial Incentives, Care Coordination IMPROVE COHE Participation, Education, Mentoring, Evidence-based best practice guidelines, Top Tier, Financial and Non-Financial Incentives, Care Coordination REMOVE Network Minimum Standards Risk of Harm Audit, Education and other interventions REMOVE Network Minimum Standards Risk of Harm Audit, Education and other interventions
5 Complementary processes Risk of harm – opioid death reviews and re- operations Department of Health (DOH) feed – licensure actions Audit and fraud actions One-year credentialing Provider complaints National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) updates
6 Requirements For Provider Monitoring or Reapproval RCW (2)(d) WAC Minimum health care provider network standards WAC Health care provider network continuing requirements Purpose: Ensure approved network providers remain in compliance with minimum standards and continuing requirements. –Secondary: Update demographics and credentials
7 Re-credentialing process considerations Risk to injured workers Meets purpose of MPN Potential for Error Impact on access Provider ease Yield – balance work vs. actionable findings Technology / capacity Staff impact / resource needs / Cost Industry standard Defensible process and standards Coordination with related processes Appropriate provider expectations / responsibility
8 Options for Re-credentialing Standard process –Cyclical update of documentation (usually 3 years) –Requires provider submittal of forms (usually attestation, insurance, release of information) –Request staff input, review and verification Continuous monitoring –Uses continuous updates from reporting sources –Provider submits information only when issue or concern identified –Staff review data feeds and respond to issues as they arise
9 Recommendation Continuous monitoring –Over 99% of providers met network standards Yield of re-review of approved providers is even lower –Data (changes) drive focused reviews and action taken, rather than cycle review of all –Lower provider and staff burden Feedback from ACHIEV –Potential for error –Industry standard