Sergey Gromov Yulia Krasilnikova Vladimir Polyakov (NRTU MISIS, Moscow) KNOWLEDGE BASE CREATION FOR NATIONAL NANOTECHNOLOGY NETWORKS «CONSTRUCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS» WITH WIDE ANALYTICAL ABILITIES (*) * The project is supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation
National Research Technological University MISiS is an acknowledged leader in the sphere of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies NRTU MISiS is conducting a number of projects in the sphere of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. For example: MISiS participates in the development of cooperation of Russian universities and high-technology productions within the framework of order by RF government №218 from April 9, 2010, for the project “Development and creation of productions of nanogradient optics, instruments and systems that are based on it” etc. The structure of NRTU MISiS as a number of departments aimed at researches in the sphere of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies and preparation of specialists, bachelors and masters in the mentioned directions. Including: Institute of new materials and technologies, Scientific and research center of collective use “Material science and metallurgy”, Intradepartmental laboratory “Nanomaterial”, Scientific and educational “Center of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies” (CNN). Thus, the university has a unique range of specialists who have the necessary experience and knowledge, which are acknowledged experts in the sphere of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
State contract of the Ministry of Education of the RF In 2011 NRTU MISiS won a competiton for state contract “Creation of knowledge base in theme direction of work of the national nanotechnological net “Construction nanomaterials” for the aims of analyzing methods and technologies, and also for comparing scientific and technical decisions in the stated area.” We have a goal to develop a complex computer system in a very short period of time. This system has a number of new possibilities in processing of texts, analysis and forecast in the sphere of nanomaterials on the base of technologies of Artificial Intelligence and Information Extraction.
Architecture of the system
Characteristics of the system - 1 Database and the program complex of the system of managing the database in the field of constructional nanomaterials have the following characteristics: -types of the presented knowledge: concepts, relations between concepts, facts, axioms, rules; Types of ontological relations: IS-A connections: category (metal, alloy, polymer, etc.) chemical content Structure Characteristics Spread of natural nanomaterials Industrial production Storage and transporting Processing Utilization Spheres of application Volumes of production and consumption (including in industries and regions) Cost Perspective technologies Patents, know-how, intellectual property Personalities Organizations Influence on the health of a human Influence on the environmental problems Publications Researches Related financing Normative documents
Characteristics of the system - 2 -means of forming of ontology; =at the initial stage –marking with help f interactive program system; =at the stage of support – half-automatic marking with means of text indexing, information extraction from texts and machine learning (*) volume of knowledge: =number of concepts (in subject area): over 5000 =number of relations: over units; =number of axioms: over 200 units; =number of facts: over units; =number of rules: over 2000 units -volume of the dictionary of the subject area: over 6000 lexical units (words and word phrases) -type of search mechanism: associative intellectual search with possibilities of focusing and broadening of queries, forming of complex search macroprocedures, -language of queries: macrolanguage ExTractor with use functions of navigation in ontologies, use of descriptive logic, methods of information extraction from texts, elements of procedure programming; - methods of navigation in the results of search: =by ontology; =by rubricator; =by the base of text sources. -Methods of filtration and re-formulation of queries and spheres of analysis implementation; =by any set of ontological connections; =by rubrics; =by the data of the source creation -means of output and implementation of the analysis of methods, and also for comparing of scientific and technical solutions in the sphere of constructional nanomaterials – descriptive logic; -associative links; -conclusions about analogy; -rules-products -principles and schemes of interaction of DB with state, scientific and educational, industrial and commercial structures of nanoindustry are described as a formalized business process: * We have a know-how
Characteristics of the system- 3 - way of catalogization of methods and means of development, realization and application of constructional nanomaterials: automatic catalogization with use of descriptive logic, methods of information extraction from texts, machine learning with further editing. -the volume of the catalog: =number of rubrics: over 300 items; =deepness of rubrication: at least 5 levels; =ways of rubrication: thematic, regional, connotative (*); by types of social activity (**); by spheres of application. =total volume of the catalog: over 1000 items. -characteristics of the system of hyperlinks: =way of formation: automatic formation with use of descriptive logic, methods of information extraction from texts, machine learning with further editing. =volume of the system: over items Speed of automatic indexing of texts and Internet resources: at least 300 thousand words per second. Number of student’s books, courses, manual for constructional nanomaterials: at least 30 items. Supporting staff: 3 people (programmer – system administrator, knowledge engineer, content manager). * Connotative rubrication is intended for the expression of emotional and evaluative shades in respect of these or those constructional nanomaterials extracted from publication. * *Types of social activity denote different types of activity and social needs of the human: science, education, business, sport, leisure, health, etc.
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