1 Interoperability and a Spatial Web Portal April 20, 2007 Myra Bambacus NASA Applied Sciences Program Geosciences Interoperability Office
2 NASA Research Spacecraft – 2006 and beyond
3 Earth-Sun System Science
4 Ecological Forecasting Agricultural Efficiency Air Quality Invasive Species Aviation Energy Management Carbon Management Water Management Homeland Security Disaster Management Coastal Management Public Health Applying Science to National Priorities
5 GEOSS Architecture Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations
6 Goals Make it more efficient and more convenient for National Applications partners to discover and access NASA data and research results Create new opportunities for National Applications partners to leverage NASA data and research results with little to no additional effort required Evolve an Earth Science Gateway portal (prototype) to provide interoperability and access between research results and integrators Leveraging NASA investments & capabilities (GCMD, ECHO) Working within the GEO System of Systems Concept
8 Purpose & Scope Purpose Access to NASA’s extensive Earth Science information systems and research results through interoperability. Scope Gateway to NASA’s data products, model outputs and informational sites Comprehensive registry of NASA’s Earth Science research results Support NASA and its partner scientists, analysts, data managers, educators and decision makers Resource to National and International societal benefit initiatives Resource to NASA’s data products through interoperable web services
9 Objectives Employ Services Oriented Architecture Build on Commercial Software Implement publicly accessible geospatial interoperability standards Extensibility & flexibility e.g. new web services 3D/4D viewers Access NASA’s science components Link/register partner agency Decision Support Tools Provide catalog search and data access functions to enhance Decision Support Systems
10 Standard Browser, Web Mapping ESG concept overview 3D GeoBrowser Workstation Applications, Thick Clients OGC Interfaces WMS WCS WFS Catalog Knowledge Base Models Grid Resources Earth Science Components ESMF Digital Libraries Mission Data Products EOS Catalogs Earth Science Gateway Portal to data, information, knowledge about the Earth-Sun System Extensible, open service-oriented architecture Processing Services Portrayal Services Catalog Services
11 Decision Support Tools - National Apps DSTs, etc - Space-Time Toolkit Query Clients -Navigate & Invoke Visualization Tools - NASA Worldwind - Google Earth, etc NASA Earth Science Gateway Service-Oriented Platform for Interoperability Support for Geo- Collaboration Support for Domain-specific Ontologies Catalogs/Clearinghouses - GSDI, NSDI, GOS, GCMD, ECHO - etc Advanced Services - Transformation - Simulation & Modeling - Mediation - Workflow/chaining - etc Resources: Data, Services, Models, Documents, etc
12 ESG Architectural Principles Enable the observing, processing, and dissemination methods provided by various parties while retaining their ownership and operational responsibilities. Elements are themselves complex independent systems Architecture should support wide range of environments, applications & processes Service-Oriented Architecture Principles Publish/Find/Bind XML technologies Interoperability InterfaceEncoding MetadataService Digital Rights MgmtCollaboration Extensibility Geo-scientific visualization Processing/Chaining Community support ExtensibilityInteroperability SOA ESG Architectural Principles
13 ESG Characteristics Allows NASA specific search and publish capabilities e.g. keywords (Sea Surface Temp) data types (MOD02HKM MODIS/Terra Calibrated Radiances 5min L1B Swath 500m MO04MW) Extensibility and flexibility allow addition of future services and components specific to NASA Allows capability to rank NASA data sources first NASA maintained; allows adoption / adaptation to NASA specific requirements and Interoperable access to model products data types (HDF-EOS, NetCDF) Search Distributed or local searches Harvest Harvest from catalogs, clearinghouses, etc. (NSDI, GCMD) Publish resources Register metadata Visualizations Interactive viewer using publicly accessible standards (WMS) Individual Accounts Save map context files for future use, to share, to chain web services Quick Links Links to NASA web sites with mission, model, and science focus information and data products
14 ESG Summary NASA’s Earth Science Gateway (ESG) is gateway to advertising, finding, and accessing geoscience information services from many disparate sources. Supports the science community through access to NASA research results Extensible and flexible for changing standards and new services Employs publicly accessible standards for maximum interoperability Employs web services in support of Service Oriented Architectures Is one system in the larger “System of Systems” concept Facilitation towards discovery of new information from disparate sources fosters interdisciplinary, exploratory, innovative and collaborative work
15 Deployments of ESG OGC persistent GEOSS Network Demonstrations GMU Deployment to continue to test and advance based on COI requirements and evolving technologies ESIP Federation using ESG as backbone to EIE Portal and developing Societal Benefit Portlets Possible deployment to NASA’s RPC Environment Proposal to the GEOSS Architecture implementation pilot CFP
16 Value of Interoperability Ensure ability to access multiple, heterogeneous geoprocessing environments, either local or remote by means of open and standard software interfaces Rely on open standards based interoperability Interoperable interfaces on sources; data sources, in-situ sensors, models, registries, catalogs, etc. Publicly accessible standards developed through consensus bodies (ISO, FGDC, OGC) Increase the value of NASA-related data by Increasing the opportunities to discover, access and integrate that data in the 12 national applications, particularly in non- traditional ways Access to data, observations and analytical models from diverse sources can facilitate interdisciplinary and exploratory research and analysis.
17 Conclusion NASA Earth Science Gateway as an example platform that brings together the resources of the community to support larger contexts such as GEOSS ESG as a contributor to a robust, flexible, service-oriented, standards-based and extensible infrastructure ESG as a platform that can be used or built- on today to test the viability, usefulness and variations of the System of Systems architecture
18 ESG URL Questions and/or Discussions
19 NASA Earth Science Gateway (ESG) Portal Interface
20 NASA Earth Science Gateway (ESG) Discovery User Interface
21 NASA Earth Science Gateway (ESG) Search Results
22 NASA Earth Science Gateway (ESG) Viewing Selected Layers in WorldWind