NM Wing Civil Air Patrol Joseph R. Perea, MD, Major, CAP Director of Safety
Factors which cause impairment of BRAIN function in some way Increase risk OR CAUSE an accident or injury › Aircraft, vehicles, Cadets, Seniors ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICAL / PHYSICAL LIFESTYLE / DIET
High Altitude Hypoxia (low oxygen) SMOKING hypoxia CARBON MONOXIDE
HIGH ALTITUDE HYPOXIA Cloudy thinking and judgment Not recognized by the pilot SOLUTION USE Oxygen at 12,500 ft MSL after 30 minutes Or lower Or sooner Oxygen for all night flights OR smokers Finger Pulse Oxymeter
CARBON MONOXIDE Cloudy thinking and judgment, Headache, nausea Not recognized by the pilot SOLUTION CO detector or card in every aircraft
SMOKER’S HYPOXIA Cloudy thinking and judgment Not recognized by the pilot SOLUTION Oxygen at 8,500? ft MSL after 30 minutes Or lower Or sooner Oxygen for all night flights OR smokers Finger Pulse Oxymeter
LOW BLOOD SUGAR › Coffee, donuts, bearclaws, sugared-up coffee › Pancakes and Syrup SOLUTION: Protein Egg white sandwich Peanut butter Turkey Chicken Steak
SLEEP APNEA › Stop breathing at night › Awakening up to 200 times a night › Daytime sleepiness causes accidents SOLUTION: Medical Evaluation – Sleep Study Wear your CPAP mask
HIGH BLOOD SUGAR AND DIABETES › Coffee, donuts, bearclaws, sugared up coffee › Pancakes and Syrup SOLUTION: Protein Egg white sandwich Peanut butter Turkey Chicken Steak
ADRENALIN › Faulty judgment › Loss of Focus › Pounding heartrate › Panic SOLUTION: Preparation Training Preparation Training Preparation
MEDICATIONS › Rx or OTC › Allergy, anti- depressants, sleeping pills, blood pressure › Mental Impairment / “goofy” causes accidents SOLUTION: Know your medication Side- Effects Only FAA approved meds for Aircrews. What about drivers?
CAFFEINE -- Not enough or Too much › Sleepiness › Tremor / shaking › Low blood sugar SOLUTION: Have your java Don’t have so much java
ALCOHOL › Impairment › Hangover / headache › Withdrawl / shakiness SOLUTION: 24 Hours from bottle to the throttle Need a drink to relax? You need help
SMOKING › Withdrawl, cigarette breaks disrupt work at hand › Low oxygen at higher elevations or altitudes SOLUTION: Don’t New Medications to help quit
LACK OF SLEEP Going to bed late, fatigue SLEEP APNEA Daytime sleepiness causes accidents SOLUTION: Go to bed early! See your Doctor for a Sleep Study Duty Day Limitations
Factors which cause impairment of BRAIN function in some way Increase risk OR CAUSE an accident or injury › Aircraft, vehicles, Cadets, Seniors ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICAL / PHYSICAL LIFESTYLE / DIET