Drug Terminology
Drug/Substance Any substance, when introduced into the body, that changes the way the mind or body works.
Pharmacology The study of drugs.
Over the Counter Drugs A drug that can be purchased at a store or pharmacy without a prescription.
Prescription Drug A drug that can only be purchased with a written order from a doctor.
Unrecognized Drugs Drugs that society doesn’t view as drugs such as caffeine and nicotine. They are socially acceptable.
Oral Medication A drug that is taken by mouth.
Inhalation The process of introducing a drug into the body by breathing it in and absorbing it into the lungs.
Injection A method of putting a fluid into the body using a syringe.
Absorption A route by which substances can enter the body through the skin.
Stimulant A drug that increases (speeds up) functions of some body systems.
Depressant A drug that decreases (slows down) functions of some body systems.
Neurons Specialized nerve cells.
Neurotransmitters Chemicals that relay messages from one neuron to another.
Potency The strength of a drug.
Tolerance When reaction to a drug decreases so a larger dose is needed to get the desired effect.
Drug/Substance Abuse Using illegal drugs and/or using drugs for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect.
Physical Dependence (Addiction) A state resulting from chronic use of a drug where withdrawal symptoms occur when the person stops using the drug.
Psychological Dependence (Addiction) A psychological obsession or compulsion with a drug. A mental addiction, non-use does not result in withdrawal.
Withdrawal Symptoms Symptoms that occur when a person discontinues the use of a drug they are physically addicted to.
Side Effects Effects that occur as a result of using a drug that are not part of the treatment.
Hallucination When a person sees, hears, or feels things that are not actually there.
Aspiration The act of breathing, especially in.
Anesthetic Drugs used to relieve pain by causing a lack of feeling.
General Anesthetic Drugs used to put a patient into a state similar to a deep sleep. Causes unconsciousness during surgery.
Local Anesthetic Drugs used to reduce pain or feeling in a specific part of the body.
Blood Alcohol Content The amount of alcohol (ethanol) in a person’s blood.
The End! When following instructions and using OTC and prescription medications correctly, these drugs can be very effective and helpful. It is the abuse of these drugs that make them “bad”. The use of illegal drugs is not only against the law, it can be extremely dangerous and can have severe consequences for the user, their families, friends and strangers they come in contact with.