Sfax-UNCHAIN: University Chair on Innovation CUITTS: Centre Universitaire d’Innovation et de Transfert de Technologie de Sfax Innovation: the other mission of the university « Our mission is to make the University of Sfax an international reference point for innovation universities » Pr. Adel M. ALIMI Director of National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax,Tunisia November 2 nd, 2010, Aleppo, Syria
Sfax-UNCHAIN (CUITTS) Interaction CUITTS Incubator Technopark UniversityEnvironment CUITTS R & D Other product: - PhD Thesis - Master and Engineers diploma Thesis Entreprises Public Agencies Financial Offices Research Center Partner/Network etc.
at university incubation of projects industrial environment before university actions awareness awareness trainning coaching surveys inquiries evaluation evaluation evaluation awareness education advising Sfax-UNCHAIN (CUITTS) Approach
The CUITTS has founded a consortium (signed conventions) with: NGO’s foundations: ASARIT and AUNE (financial support) APII : Tunisian Innovation and Industrial Promoting Agency ICT Technopark of Sfax UTICA: Tunisian Union of Industry and Commerce INNORPI: Tunisian National Office of Patents Industries: Telnet, Volta PV, Socomenin, Ecopneu, Carthago Ceramics GTZ Consortium of Sfax-UNCHAIN (CUITTS)
Next Challenge of Sfax-UNCHAIN (CUITTS) ISO 9001 Certification in 2011
Dissemination Summarize of CUITTS Dissemination Activities
Sustainability of Sfax-UNCHAIN (self iniatives) PDD: Creating a Platform for Sustainable Development (World Bank, obtained 2009) LHEM: Leadership in Higher Education Management (Europe, obtained 2010) PARENIS: Development and Implementation of a Program Advancing Research Education and Exploitation for the Support of National Innovation Systems (World Bank, submitted for 2011)
Sustainability of our UNCHAIN Tempus (Sfax proposal 1) Erasmus Mendus Master Program Solid link between « Technology Innovation » and «Leadership Management » Creation of a new e-learning Master program on « Technology Innovation and Leadership Management » => Eurasmus Mendus with our UNCHAIN project team ?
Sustainability of our UNCHAIN Tempus (Sfax proposal 2) FP7 proposal (Twinning projects) Robotics (Telnet industries) others ?
Thanks for your attention Pr. Adel M. ALIMI Director of the National Engineering School of Sfax, Sfax University, Tunisia ENIS Teaches Sustainable Innovation