MLA- Marriage Life Apostolate For 2004 ME# 22 – 31 couples, 1 priest, 1 nun ME# 23 – 11 couples, 1 priest, 1 nun Additional sharer in ME pool of sharers Started improving manual to cater to Newark’s ME For 2005 ME# 24 & ME#25 Development of ME sharers (1 ready) Continue with the project of 2004
FLA – Family Life Apostolate For 2004 FE# 11 Community Day – attended by approx 1000 Invite previous family sharers Identify prospective sharers For 2005 FE#
SPM – Solo Parents Ministry For 2004 SPE# 6 – 24 graduates (6 Cherry Hill, 2 Maryland) First time we use couple shepherds (Bobby/Dolly Fernandez) Additional SP sharers For 2005 SPE# 7 Started more participation in providing praise music on Healing Masses. Identify and develop SP sharers
LSA – Life in the Spirit Apostolate For 2004 LSS# 22 – 78 graduates LSS# 23 – 88 graduates Manualized what we have been doing in Newark Available at web for authorized persons esp during LSS season For 2005 LSS# 24 – (joined Newark and NY Rockland) Develop new sharers
Liturgical Ministry For 2004 Started training lectors and altar servers from ME class. Gives Liturgical supports to corporate worships, encounters and retreats For 2005 Expanding training lectors and altar servers to the whole community (spm, singles, youth, mk10, who ever wants..)
Praise Ministry For 2004 Implemented better practice management, improved audio and visual system. Supported 4 parishes in their Christmas Masses Supported Mission and DIP encounters, LSS, retreats, etc. For 2005 Plan to come up with song book. Plan to produce musical presentation for evangelical / fund raising purposes.
Evangelization Team Steward and coordinators meet every first Thursday of the month for LWG and pastoral concerns. Supports all DIP’s and parish assisted activities through the Mission Apostolate. Yearly Christmas visitation to nursing homes – 2 nursing homes; SP organizes the musical/dance presentation Provide help and support any activity as ‘private association of the faithful’ will implement to the parishes of Newark this 2005.