Business Advisory Board Strategic Planning Session January 23, 2014
Agenda Welcome (introduction of guests) Establishing Norms 2014 – 2015 goals Next steps Calendar of events Wrap-up
Objectives of this meeting Establish 2014 goals Assess whether we have to right things in place to be successful Create a go-forward plan reviewed at each monthly meeting
2013– 2014 Advisory Board Goals Evaluate and implement continuous improvement ideas; e.g., open house Establish committees – Internship – Membership – PR/Communications New goal: Achieve “Academy of Distinction” recognition
Why “Academy of Distinction”? An Academy of Distinction is recognized at the NAF national conference 2014 Conference to be held in Washington, DC Expect “big name” speakers Goal worth pursuing independent of the above Provides a framework for our actions
Next steps Develop teams Create ideas Consolidate and prioritize actions Do it
Teams Academy Development Advisory Board Curriculum and Instruction Work Based Learning
Director’s report 2013 – 2014 year in review 2013 – 2014 master calendar of events
Self-Assessment Overall Score Goal
Academy Development Score Current
Advisory Board Score Current
Curriculum and Instruction Score Current
Work-Based Learning Score Current
How do we get to 25? Mathematically – 7.2% improvement in all scores across the board, or each area get to 25 avg score Either may not be the best approach Create 4 teams – 1 team per assessment area Meet before our next monthly meeting – Set up at least 1 meeting; coordinated by a team lead – Overall review – Proposed set of action plans Collectively assess our best approach
Bosh-Rexroth partnership development Mark Rolingher, Plant Manager, Bosch-Rexroth Ideas – Fund the Olympic First Robotics Team – Provide Internships for 11 th and 12 th grade students – Help collect gently used laptops for lending program