DMHS Research Initiative Purpose/Overview Strong ethical focus: academic honesty Style Manual (hardcopy) Research Process (online at Stage-specific lessons (instruction) Collaboration (teacher/librarian) Senior Projects – Magnet specific
Purpose Support students College readiness Critical thinking and inquiry Organization and project management skills Support teachers Customizable process and resources, aligned with college prep goals Collaborative planning and instruction
Culture of academic honesty Clear school-wide policy on cheating and plagiarism Grade-level appropriate instruction provided all four years Build student awareness of importance and consequences Build teacher awareness of cheating- resistant assignments
DMHS Style Manual Contains focused lessons and format models for writing a research paper Every student gets one free on entering the school (nominal fee to replace) Emphasizes the school’s commitment to rigorous scholarship
DMHS Research Process Model Emphasizes stepwise navigation of a comprehensive process Fits with all available processes being used and taught Online at Contains links to instructional and reference materials
DMHS Research Process PLANNING Understanding the assignment Understanding the assignment Choosing a Topic Choosing a Topic Focusing the Topic Focusing the Topic RESEARCHING Gathering Source Materials Gathering Source Materials Finding print, electronic, and other sourcesprintelectronic Starting the list of works cited Evaluating resources Using Source Materials Taking notes WRITING Creating a Thesis Creating a Thesis Making an Outline Making an Outline Writing a First Draft Writing a First Draft Incorporating Sources In-text Citations Avoiding Plagiarism Citing Sources Citing Sources POLISHING Revising Your Work Revising Your Work
Additional support materials Sparknotes Ultimate Style How to Write a Research Paper Write in Style: A Guide to the Short Term Paper MLA Handbook: 6 th Edition (7 th coming soon Son of Citation Machine – free online citation formatter
Skills Lessons Teach three or four specific skills each year Teach anti-plagiarism lessons each year Teach specific skills for senior project in 12 th grade
Skills Lessons 9th Grade Plagiarism and academic honesty – Year 1 Understanding, Choosing and Focusing the Topic (incl. subtopics) UnderstandingChoosing Focusing subtopics Using the School Library online card catalog (iBistro) card catalog Using the Digital Library (full-text databases)Digital Library 10th Grade Plagiarism and academic honesty – Year 2 Using Google and other Internet Search Engines Using Google and other Internet Search Engines Using Reference BooksReference Books Evaluating Web Sites and other sources Evaluating Web Sites and other sources 11th Grade Plagiarism and academic honesty – Year 3 Source Cards and Note Cards (compiling a working bibliography) Source CardsNote Cards Taking Notes (summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting)summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting Preparing a List of Works CitedWorks Cited Citing sources in the text of your paper (parenthetical citation) (parenthetical citation) 12th Grade Plagiarism and academic honesty – Year 4 Outlining before writing the draft Outliningbefore Documenting the Senior Project using Web 2.0 Tools
Collaboration Custom units and projects can be designed cooperatively by Teacher Librarian and subject matter teacher Specific lessons can be inserted by Teacher Librarian at request of subject matter teacher
Senior Project Aligns with Magnet focus Culmination of all the skills learned Students document their project using cutting edge Web 2.0 technologies
Summary A school-wide research process: Raises the bar for academic rigor Prepares students to do college research papers Provides lifelong information management skills Sets the tone for a culture of academic honesty