Tips for Success in Classroom by Ghazala Khan International Student Advisor 103 International Center (517) Welcome & Introduction
1.Academic Advising 2.Classroom Tips 3.Campus Resources 4.Academic Relationships 5.Teaching Perspectives 6.Academic Honesty & Plagiarism 103 International Center (517) Agenda
“The process of determining which classes you must take, and which classes you will want to take in order to graduate with a given degree.” Graduation Requirements University Requirements College Major/Minor Requirements Electives 103 International Center (517) Academic Advising
What should I keep in mind when I see my advisor? University requirements College major/minor requirements, Prerequisite Schedule of classes, location Preferred : days and times, learning styles, instructors (see No overlapping of classes, Course balance Graduate level: research course with content course 103 International Center (517) Academic Advising
Be in constant touch with your advisor Undergraduate Students: Graduate Students: Academic Advising Webpage: International Center (517) Academic Advising
Importance of the Syllabus Your guide & class contract including: Contact information for professor & T.A. Office hours Required readings & assignments Evaluation/Grading Class policies 103 International Center (517) Classroom Tips
The Importance of Classroom Discussion Extra grade points for class participation Express your ideas and opinions Share ideas; debate/arguments less common Questions reflect interest and understanding 103 International Center (517) Classroom Tips
Library English Language Center Writing Center at Bessey Hall Tutoring Labs Computer Labs Printing & e-tokens STUINFO (check bill, grades) 103 International Center (517) Campus Resources --Academic
Student Academic Affairs (UUD) Academic progress monitored Advising about major preferences Admissions Evaluation Transfer credits Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU) Student Government $100 dollar loans, cheap copies, and free legal services Graduate Employees Union (GEU & COGS) Labor Union for graduate students Fair wage, decent health care, safe working conditions, and a workplace free from discrimination 103 International Center (517) Campus Resources --Student
Less hierarchical relationships between professors and students Contact during office hours Contact by or on ANGEL Service is part of university mission 103 International Center (517) Academic Relationships
Transmittal “The sage on the stage” Instructor presents information Students memorize/reproduce information Evaluation is straightforward Common historically & internationally Economical 103 International Center (517) Teaching Perspectives
Developmental Student centered Instructor determines main topic Students discuss/share ideas in class Emphasis is on how student develops argument while pursuing personal interest 103 International Center (517) Teaching Perspectives
Developmental Examples Assignment: Compare and contrast two educational systems Or Foreign language education at the high-school level in Australia and Japan 103 International Center (517) Teaching Perspectives
Developmental Evaluation Organization Clear thesis statement, its support, conclusion Logical argument (not emotional!) Cited facts Cited opinions and quotations References 103 International Center (517) Teaching Perspectives
Academic integrity Working and learning in a group Written work or assignments have to be authentic Resources should be cited according to academic standards 103 International Center (517) Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Examples of Academic Dishonesty Copying information from the web Working together on an assignment, but submitting the work as a solo effort Copying directly from a peer Having someone else do your homework or assignment 103 International Center (517) Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Consequences of Academic Dishonesty If you do not make a clear distinction between your own work and that of others, you may face… Serious disciplinary action Formal hearing and dismissal from school 103 International Center (517) Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Questions and Answers 103 International Center (517) Q & A’s
Thank you for taking the time to attend this session. Good Luck! 103 International Center (517) Conclusion