intro1 1 CIS541 - Software Engineering Project II Dr. David A. Gustafson
intro1 2 Specific Goals of CIS541 u Application –project plans, cost estimation, earned value, engineering note-book (communication with TA/instructor) u New Skills –Post mortems, formal specifications (OCL), design, checklists, SQA plans, structural testing, presentations to public (open house), u Topics –Terminology, Ideas, Reading Articles, Proposals
intro1 3 Team Web Pages u Each team will maintain their web page u Team or individual picture(s) u Project documentation –object models, use-case, sequence diagrams –decision logs u Project Plan, EV Analysis, Ind Asgs and Time Logs - for each student and summary for team
intro1 4 Team Projects u Iterative Approach –Three working versions will be done –Each iteration will add functionality in every area –I will send a goal statement to each team u Week 2 (Jan20) –Teams will post planned functionality for each iteration by Friday, Jan 20 th – deliverables must be clear u Week 4 (Jan ) Initial Meeting –Presentation of functionality for iteration 1 »Precise definition of inputs, outputs, behavior »Schedules and estimates –30 minutes, Powerpoint slides, etc »Not a formal presentation u Pres 4 – 2/27-28; Pres 5 – 4/3-4; Pres 6 – 5/1-2
intro1 5 Open House – April 7 and 8 u Projects will be in open house. u Goal will be “presenting to public” u Points for participating in 541 project in open house
intro1 6 Research & Presentation u Each team Or group of students u Research an assigned topic and produce proposal (for class or imaginary company) u Build web page –Definitions –Annotated bibliography –Other ref u Class presentations last three weeks u 5 or more Multiple Choice Questions
intro1 7 Course Grading for 540 and 541 u Individual (average percentages 540 and 541) –Exams, labs, assignments, PLQ, topic presentation –Minus 5*Unexcused absences –Lecture participation u Teams (average percentages 540 and 541) –Presentations, web pages, time logs, open house, installation and documentation –Times Weekly percentage u Average % grades for final course grades if each is above 70%
intro1 8 Late Assignments u Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period or as stated in the assignment u Unless special arrangements are made in advance, assignments will not be accepted after corrected assignments are returned u Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day plus 10% after start of class on due date
intro1 9 Academic Honesty u Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished –by failure on the exam, paper or project; –failure in the course; and/or –expulsion from the university. u For more information refer to the 'Academic Dishonesty' policy in Inside KSU.
intro1 10 CCI – continuing course improvement u Text : Pressman or Project Management book plus UML book? u Online Grades : keeping grades current vs accepting late assignments and grade challenges? u Some students still not doing PLQ u
intro1 11 Text u What material/information should come from text? I have been assigning less (shorter) in Pressman –Project management – scheduling, cost estimation –SoftEng – requirements, design, testing, metrics - Solved problems
intro1 12 Online Grades u I try to be “current” on grades – e.g. lab grades, wk team percentages, u Some assignments dribble in, e.g. team interviews u Some grades are “challenged” long after the assignment
intro1 13 PLQs u Useful for performance and reading guidance u Some students still not doing the PLQs on a regular basis
intro1 14 s u How to make s more effective? u I think I am prompt on 80-90% of s u Suggestions –541 and issue in subject –One issue/topic per –Questions at top of
intro1 15 Next week’s topics u Iterative development & Post Mortems u 4 articles for Tues and Thurs –Royce, “Successful Software Management Style: steering and balance” IEEE Software, Sept/Oct 05 –Birk, etal “Postmortem: Never Leave a Project without it” IEEE Software, May/June 02 –Verner, etal “ What Project Management Practices Lead to Success”, IEEE Software, Jan/Feb 05 –Fairley, etal “Iterative Rework: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, IEEE Computer, sep05 u IEEExplore (Hale Library)