Vocabulary Lesson 11
Connoisseur (n) Someone with informed and discriminating judgment, especially in matters of art, literature, or taste.
Consensus (n) Collective uniformity of opinion; general agreement in feeling or belief
Construe (v) To analyze, explain, interpret, or understand. “Am I to construe your silence as an admission of guilt?” Dad asked.
Consummate (adj.) or (v) Adj.- Complete or perfect in the highest degree. V- To bring to completion or perfection.
Copious (adj.) Large in number or quantity; full
Corpulent (adj.) Fat and bulky.On payday my wallet becomes corpulent; the rest of the week it looks as if it is on a diet.
Corroborate (v) To confirm the truth or accuracy of.
Counsel (n) or (v) N- Advice secured through consultation. An adviser, especially a legal adviser. V- To advise or recommend as a course of action.
Credibility (n) The ability to inspire belief or trust. After weeks of telling me that she would take me to the mall and then never taking me, her credibility with me was null.
Criterion (n) A standard or principle on which to base a judgment or decision. Points Criteria- Open Ended HSPA A 4-point response clearly demonstrates understanding of the task, completes all requirements, and provides an insightful explanation/opinion that links to or extends aspects of the text. A 3-point response demonstrates an understanding of the task, completes all requirements, and provides some explanation/opinion using situations or ideas from the text as support. A 2-point response may address all of the requirements, but demonstrates a partial understanding of the task, and uses text incorrectly or with limited success resulting in an inconsistent or flawed explanation. A I-point response demonstrates minimal understanding of the task, does not complete the requirements, and provides only a vague reference to or no use of the text. A 0-point response is irrelevant or off-topic.
Crucial (adj.) At a point that will determine the final outcome; of supreme importance.
Culpable (adj.) At fault; blameworthy
Cursory (adj.) Hasty and superficial.Since I did not have much time, I only took a cursory look at the passage.
Curtail (v) To shorten or reduce.
Cynical (adj.) Inclined to doubt or deny the virtuousness or honesty of human motives; sneeringly bitter or negative.