Principal/Vice Principals’ Meeting September 1, 2011
The challenge for education today is to educate many more students to much higher levels of accomplishment in a broader variety of areas than ever before (Ben Levin, 2011) Evolution or Revolution
Ministry Directions Recommendations: Grad Program (Dec/11) Define Competencies: K to 12 Curriculum/Assessment Framework (Feb/12) Review: Spec Ed Policy/Procedures (Dec/11) Curriculum/Assessment (K to 3) ready by Dec/12 Curriculum/Assessment (4 to 9) ready by 2013/14 Curriculum/Assessment (Grad) ready by 2013/14 Report Cards Pilot 2012/13/Implement Sept/13 (K to 12) Revised K to 12 Education program May 2014
Immediate Actions Kindergarten reporting (standards, formats ready by Dec /11) Additional Languages (proficiency model – pilot Sept/11) Optional exams – eliminated Scholarship Program – based on required exams Completion Rates – Adjust data collection/measures for 2011/12
Summary Teacher Excellence Flexibility and Choice Learning (Curriculum/Assessment) Technology Accountability/Open Government
The Road Ahead Entire Learner Student Engagement Literacy Technology Assessment for Learning 21 st Century Learning
What Are We About as District We must : Have a passion for student learning Believe in distributed leadership Believe in Team Have courage and show initiative Take a goal-oriented approach Build positive relationships Have a passion for continuous learning Believe in diversification Strive for excellence Value and celebrate success
Core Beliefs Students first Role of educational partners Accountability Goal setting
Challenges Declining Enrollment Lack of funding Class size/composition Essential Services “Aura” we establish as leaders How do we work together to instill confidence in public education?
Vision Continuous improvement Teaching and learning Effective relationships Technology Integrity, Fairness, Ethical practice
Continuous Improvement I see: System maintaining a shared vision Systems in place to monitor and adjust for student learning (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Interventions for At-Risk students
Teaching and Learning Aligned curriculum AFL Variety of targets Improved pedagogy to meet diverse learner needs Focus on success for ALL students
Relationships Effective working relationships with educational and community partners Student engagement Dedicated leadership team
Technology Reinstatement of Technology Committee Review of role of technology Integration of technology in: teaching management research communication
Integrity, Fairness, Honesty I see a district that: Uses honesty, integrity and fairness Is a great place to be
Focus on Students I see: No better place for kids where they will exit with: Strong academic performance Social/emotional well-being Skills and abilities to enter the world of work in an area they are passionate about
I see a role for all of us Together we must: Instill pride in the system Manage crises quietly and competently Align what we do Walk the Talk (Vision and Values) Celebrate successes loudly and proudly
The Answer Working together to sustain and enhance best practices in key areas Students First
Dalton Sherman Video
21 st Century Learning Reflect on August 26, 2011 session Key areas of learning Review: – High Impact Statements –Topic to explore re: Personalized Learning Large group sharing