Historical investigation (IA) an integral & compulsory part of the history course to demonstrate and apply skills and knowledge to an area of interest emphasis on a specific historical enquiry [ History guide, IB 2008, pp 82-89] 2
Historical investigation (IA) 3 a problem-solving activity emphasis on a specific historical enquiry candidates may show initiative internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated (IB) (predicted grades)
Time requirements 4
Scope of the IA 5 undertake a historical investigation using a good range of historical sources focus on a event that is at least 10 years before the submission date frame title as a question a narrowed time frame choice of topic under supervision of teacher who needs to approve it produce a written account of words max., to avoid penalization
Scope of the historical investigation 6
Guidance and authenticity Discuss ethical considerations (academic honesty) through the following steps: the student’s initial proposal the first draft the references cited the style of writing compared with work known to be that of the students 7
The written account 8 Cover page with student name, number, RQ and accurate word count A Plan: outline plan and method of the investigation (consider a limited time-frame) B Summary of evidence: all the evidence collected should be correctly referenced C Evaluation of two sources (O, P, V and L) Choose wisely, e.g. opposing views, different interpretations (this is similar to question 3 of Paper 1)
The written account 9 D Analysis should be supported with relevant evidence * importance of the investigation in its historical context; * analysis of the evidence * different interpretations E Conclusion should refer to RQ or thesis and be clear and consistent with the evidence presented F Sources and word limit presented according to a recognized convention
Using the internal assessment criteria 11 mark band descriptors concentrate on positive achievement best-fit approach only whole numbers should be recorded the highest descriptors do not imply faultless performance assessment criteria and their descriptors should be available to candidates at all times
Internal Assessment Criteria 12 Criterion A Plan of the investigation (3) Criterion B Summary of evidence (6) Criterion C Evaluation of sources (5) Criterion D Analysis (6) Criterion E Conclusion (2) Criterion F Sources and word limit (3) Total 25 marks [History Guide, IB 2008, p.88-89]
IA Examples 13 a historical topic or theme using written or a variety of sources a historical fieldwork: e.g. a visit to a museum, archeological site, battlefield, church or other a historical problem using first-hand documents (e.g. newspapers) a local history project a history project based on oral interviews a historical investigation based on interpreting a novel, film, piece of art
Possible Titles 14 To what extent the view provided by the movie “Stalingrad” can be supported by historical evidence? Why and how the evidence presented by a first hand source is supported or argued by newly opened archives? How do Chinese (or Russian) sources compare and contrast with the US view of the Korean War? What was the role of helicopters in the battle of…? To what extent does the first battle of the Marne (1914) represent the failure of the Schlieffen Plan?
Thank you for listening! 15