We face moral issues everyday What are some examples? Why is it important to make moral decisions?
Child: relied on parents, teachers, or others we trusted Obedience Young adult: more freedom to make own decisions May realize that parents and teachers are not free of mistakes
How people ought to behave Choosing to do the “good” and not the “bad” How is this different from psychology/sociology? Who should be concerned with morality?
Moral: that which is good Immoral: that which is bad Amoral: morally neutral Moral decision: a decision when the results might be good or bad for someone
As Christians God has given us what is the good and what is not
What God makes is perfect, no need to change? Man is imperfect so what is made is imperfect Examples: slavery
Is wearing a uniform good or right? Is stealing bad or wrong? We are going to use good and bad to refer to God’s Commandments (moral) Right and wrong to refer to rules and laws made by humans
Moral/Immoral Good/Bad Legal/Illegal Right/Wrong Who Decides?GodSociety/Man Why?Loves usOrder/Protect Examples Life, true love, honesty, justice, human dignity, equality, mercy, compassion, forgiveness Speed limit, uniforms, chewing gum Called Principles, values, absolutes Rules, Laws Can they change? NoYes
All people are good. Good people do bad things. We may do bad things… Judge actions not people
All good things are also right All right things are not also good All people are good
Why do we have such a problem seeing others and sometimes ourselves as good? Do we think that we, or especially others are not good? Why do we want to prove that others are bad?
Why do people today not want us to say their action is bad?
Read your scripture passage silently, listening for words or phrases that strike you. Read it again out loud with your group. Share your words or phrases. What does your passage mean to you? What does your passage say about truth?
What is one thing you know to be absolutely true? Why does our culture have a difficult time accepting absolute truths? What truths do you think teens compromise on? Why? What is one way you can protect and stand up for the truth Christ gave us this week? Is the way you are living your life now a witness to the truth? Why or why not? If not, what needs to change?
Not all cultures share the same sense of morality. Should all moralities be viewed as equal? How do we know what is truly good or bad? Harmful to life and opposed to the good given to us by God
Every person has God-given dignity and an immortal destiny Created in God’s image, we all share in God’s own loving nature Thus, we can find lasting happiness and harmony only by freely imitating God, and by walking in love and working together Only happy when we help others too Need wisdom in order to make moral decisions
Exercising the freedom God has given us to do what’s right is the only humanly good and fulfilling thing to do, the only choice that leads to life.
What makes you truly happy? When was the last time you felt truly happy? Do you believe that morality is a hindrance to your life or a way to achieve happiness and joy? Why? Do you believe that God desires more for you life than to just get by and be a good person? Do you believe that God wants you to be truly happy? Do you want to be a part of the Kingdom of God? Do you live your life in a way that reflects that desire?
Do you believe that God the Father gives us the moral law for our well-being? Why or why not? What does the “Kingdom of God” mean? Why are laws and rules important? What do you think of the worlds perception of morality is compared to the Christian perception of morality? What is the goal of your life? What is God’s goal for your life?
Goody-goodie Does what they are ‘supposed’ to do May be out of touch with others who face life’s difficult decisions Good person Struggles to understand why some things are good and bad and to do the right thing Can empathize with human experience/struggle
What reasons, other than those we have mentioned, might people have for choosing the bad? What is your response to these reasons? What reasons can you think of for being good or moral? Which of these makes most sense to you? Why?
We have the technology to do almost anything Recognize changes in the world Question has become should we Once the technology exists it is there Alfred Nobel Our moral decisions effect others
Copy bullet points from page 14 in your notes
Choose 1 article that is related to a current moral issue today Write Why is the topic a moral issue? Whose needs and rights are involved in the issue? Whose needs and rights are most likely to be unmet and not respected? What do you think should be done? If you finish choose another.