GRADE 10 UNIVERSITY GRADE 12 GRADE 11 FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES GRADE 10 Required Courses: (To Graduate) -Social Studies 10 - Planning 10 - Science 10 -Language 10 -English 10 - A Math 10 -PE 10 -MYP Personal Project -2 electives To be recommended to pursue an IB diploma one needs to maintain a level 6 average, and apply by February of your grade 10 year. Also there is an IB for a day field trip that is held for the grade 10s. This year, the way my timetable is different is that I am in the basketball academy instead of PE because that is what I enjoy. I would like to graduate high school with an IB diploma, and I can start working at it in grade 11. First of all, you need to apply in Gr. 10. Then you need to choose your courses. The Gr. 11 courses I need to take to get into the Science program at UBC are: -Chemistry 11 -Physics 11 –Math 11 (Standard or Higher level) The Gr. 11 course I will take to graduate with an IB Diploma are: (At least 26 credits) -IB ENGLISH 11 -IB SPANISH ab initio 11 -IB MATH 11 -IB BIOLOGY 11 -IB CHEMISTRY 11 -IB HISTORY 11 -THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE 11 -EXTENDED ESSAY 11 -CREATIVITY, ACTION AND SERVICE 11 -IB THEATRE ARTS 11 Completing an IB Diploma over grade 11/12 gives an almost guarantee into UBC programs. GRADE 11: IB GRADE 12: IB The courses I need for UBC in Gr. 12 are: 1 of: -IB BIOLOGY 12 -IB CHEMISTRY 12 Also Standard/Higher level Math The Gr. 12 course I will take to graduate with an IB Diploma are: (At least 26 credits) -IB ENGLISH 12 -IB SPANISH ab initio 12 -IB MATH 12 -IB BIOLOGY 12 -IB CHEMISTRY 12 -IB HISTORY 12 -THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE 12 -EXTENDED ESSAY 12 -CREATIVITY, ACTION AND SERVICE 12 -IB THEATRE ARTS 12 Completing an IB Diploma over grade 11/12 gives an almost guarantee into UBC programs. Program Description: “The Combined Major in Science (CMS) program provides students with a broad- based science education, with a focus on data handling, communications skills and experiential learning, and equips students with the background to understand and evaluate scientific issues and statements from a number of disciplines. It is not designed for students interested in research careers, but is suited to students preparing for professional schools such as education, law or medicine, or those interested in scientific journalism.The CMS offers foundations in three areas of concentration selected from five discipline areas: Chemistry, Life Sciences, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Mathematical & Computational Sciences, and Physics & Astronomy.” - The courses I need to Graduate the 1 st year science program: Required Core Courses MATH 100/101 (or equivalent) STAT 200 (3) (or equivalent) Communicating Science (SCIE 300) (3) One of CPSC 110 (or 111), CPSC 301, EOSC 211, MATH 210, PHYS 210 (3) Possible fields of study that require a bachelor of science degree: Applied Physics Architecture Biochemistry Chemistry Civil Engineering Community Health Computer Engineering Computer Science Construction Management Electrical Engineering Environmental Geology Geology Healthcare Administration Informatics Mathematics Nuclear Medicine Nursing Nutrition Sciences Public Health Sports Medicine