Chapter 11 Paediatrics 2014 ANZDATA Registry 37th Annual Report Data to 31-Dec-2013 ANZDATA gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the Paediatric Working Group convened by Dr Sean Kennedy
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report
Primary renal disease, incident patients Australia and New Zealand Primary Renal Disease Total GN8 (9%)20 (27%)25 (26%)37 (36%)90 (25%) - FSGS1 (1%)8 (11%)7 (7%)6 (6%)22 (6%) Familial GN3 (4%)-2 (2%)3 (3%)8 (2%) Reflux Nephropathy4 (5%)3 (4%)7 (7%)9 (9%)23 (6%) Polycystic Kidney Disease5 (6%)4 (5%)2 (2%)4 (4%)15 (4%) Medullary Cystic Disease-2 (3%)5 (5%)2 (2%)9 (3%) Posterior Urethral Valve10 (12%)1 (1%)13 (14%)2 (2%)26 (7%) Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome6 (7%)1 (1%) 2 (2%)10 (3%) Hypoplasia/Dysplasia26 (31%)16 (22%)12 (13%)10 (10%)64 (18%) Diabetes--1 (1%) 2 (1%) Cortical Necrosis2 (2%)3 (4%)2 (2%)3 (3%)10 (3%) Interstitial Nephritis-1 (1%) -2 (1%) Cystinosis-1 (1%) -2 (1%) Uncertain-2 (3%)-4 (4%)6 (2%) Misc/Other20 (24%)11 (15%)17 (18%)19 (19%)67 (19%) Total
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report Modality of Initial Renal Replacement Therapy By Year of First Treatment, Australia and New Zealand Age Group Total 0-9 Years HD6 (26%)4 (15%)5 (23%)10 (34%)8 (33%)6 (25%)39 (26%) - PD15 (65%)17 (63%)14 (64%)14 (48%)12 (50%)16 (67%)88 (59%) - Transplant2 (9%)6 (22%)3 (14%)5 (17%)4 (17%)2 (8%)22 (15%) Years HD22 (58%)12 (44%)13 (52%)8 (31%)16 (41%)12 (40%)83 (45%) - PD8 (21%)12 (44%)5 (20%)12 (46%)15 (38%)12 (40%)64 (35%) - Transplant8 (21%)3 (11%)7 (28%)6 (23%)8 (21%)6 (20%)38 (21%) Total
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report Modality of Prevalent Patients By Year of Treatment, Australia and New Zealand Current Treatment Total HD35 (11%)29 (9%)30 (9%)29 (9%)30 (8%) 183 (9%) PD54 (17%)57 (18%)50 (15%)53 (16%)49 (14%)46 (13%)309 (16%) Transplant225 (72%)229 (73%)244 (75%)250 (75%)274 (78%)277 (78%)1499 (75%) Total
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report
Graft Numbers Australia and New Zealand Graft Number
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report Donor Source by Year , Number (% of Transplants) Donor Type LD pre-emptive5 (13%)10 (21%)7 (23%)8 (26%)9 (18%)9 (23%)10 (23%)10 (22%)12 (21%)8 (17%) LD not pre-emptive19 (49%)20 (42%)15 (50%)13 (42%)24 (49%)16 (41%)19 (44%)10 (22%)26 (46%)20 (42%) DBD15 (38%)17 (35%)8 (27%)9 (29%)13 (27%)12 (31%)11 (26%)21 (46%)17 (30%)18 (38%) DCD0 (0%)1 (2%)0 (0%)1 (3%)3 (6%)2 (5%)3 (7%)5 (11%)1 (2%)2 (4%) Total
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report Antibody Use for Induction Immunosuppression, Number receiving (%) CountryType of Agent Australia Intravenous immunoglobulin1 (2.9%)0 (0.0%)2 (4.8%)0 (0.0%)2 (4.7%) Anti-CD2533 (97.1%)35 (92.1%)37 (88.1%)41 (89.1%)36 (83.7%) Rituximab0 (0.0%)1 (2.6%)0 (0.0%) T cell depleting polyclonal Ab1 (2.9%)2 (5.3%)2 (4.8%)1 (2.2%)1 (2.3%) Total new transplants New Zealand Intravenous immunoglobulin0 (0.0%) 1 (10.0%)0 (0.0%) Anti-CD250 (0.0%)1 (20.0%)4 (100.0%)10 (100.0%)4 (80.0%) Rituximab0 (0.0%) 1 (20.0%) T cell depleting polyclonal Ab0 (0.0%) Total new transplants554105
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report
Patient and Graft Survival, Paediatric Transplant Recipients (95% CI) OutcomeTransplant year (N)6 months1 year3 years5 years Patient (n=87)10099 (92-100)98 (91-99)96 (89-99) (n=61) (89-100) (n=88) (n=89)10099 (92-100) (n=104)99 (91-100) -- Graft (n=87)97 (90-99)95 (88-98)88 (79-94)76 (66-84) (n=61)93 (83-97)90 (79-95)82 (70-90)79 (66-87) (n=88)94 (87-98) 87 (78-93)84 (74-90) (n=89)10098 (91-99)96 (88-98) (n=104)99 (91-100)97 (90-99)--
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report Cause of Graft Loss, Transplants Performed by Age at Transplant Cause of Graft Loss Total Death with function02125 Acute rejection12159 Chronic allograft nephropathy Vascular21238 Technical00112 Glomerulonephritis02417 Non-compliance00044 Other11327 Total
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report Cause of Graft Loss, Transplants Performed by Age at Graft Loss Cause of Graft Loss Total Death with function01045 Acute rejection03047 Chronic allograft nephropathy Vascular20338 Technical00112 Glomerulonephritis01416 Non-compliance00022 Other01326 Total
2014 ANZDATA Registry 37 th Annual Report
Type of Rejection Timing of Rejection Type of Rejection <6 months No biopsy Cellular ABMR Cellular + ABMR months No biopsy Cellular ABMR Cellular + ABMR