Physics Doppler effect
Key Terms Resonance- Interference Diffraction Photo-electric effect
Crest Trough Wavelength frequency Period Hz
nm speed of light speed of sound constructive interference destructive interference Photoelectric effect Transverse waves Longitudinal waves
Lesson Objective Students understand the key terms and General concepts associated with electromagnetic waves and wave systems.
You will be successful if… If you can answer ½ of the questions on the study guide given on Haiku.
Introduction Waves carry energy from place to place. The amount of energy can be determined from the frequency and intensity of the wave. Higher frequencies have higher energy than lower ones.
Fun video or picture describing subject Train Doppler goes here
Light is an electromagnetic wave Sound is a wave due to longitudinally vibrating molecules.
Heavy There is a maximum speed limit for light and sound, Sound c= 343 m/s Light c= 300,000,000 m/s
Heavy Any movement due to a source or observer causes a compression or expansion of these waves. Which we call the Doppler effect.
Example- Bats use the Doppler effect to hunt.
Waves can interfere with eachother Waves can interfere with eachother. This can cancel out a wave, or cause a super wave. Lasers take advantage of this by reinforcing eachother. Noise cancelling earphones take advantage of this by measuring then cancelling ambient noise.
With the basic idea’s out of the way, lets try some sample problems on Pear.
Lets practice Pear deck
Sample problem- If two speakers with a wavelength of 1 meter are put ½ meter from eachother, at what point will there be silence in front of the speaker.
Equal to wave 2 before the interference. Quiz- If two waves interfere,and wave 1 had a crest twice as high as the trough of wave 2, what is the resulting height of wave one? ½ wave 1 They are the same Equal to wave two Equal to wave 2 before the interference.
Work for quiz (symbolic)
Did you meet the objective? Did you meet criteria for success- self critique. Our next lesson- thin film interference and polarization.
Link to Haiku Classwork