American Chemical Society 1 Region Awards Process Organizing Committee Awards Chair Region Board Awards Chair Call for Nominations Establish Deadline Soliciting Nominations Review Committees Recipients
American Chemical Society 2 Region Awards Process Stanley C. Israel Awards for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences CHED E. Ann Nalley Region Award for Volunteer Service to the ACS Region Award for Excellence in High School Chemistry Teaching Other Region Specific Awards
American Chemical Society 3 Stanly C. Israel Region Award for Advancign Diversity in the Chemical Sciences This award is wholly administered by the ACS Committee on Minority Affairs (CMA). They: Establish the deadline Receive and Review the nominations Determine the recipient Supply the plaque and the cash award Register the recipient for the meeting and the awards banquet Provide travel and lodging for the recipient if needed.
American Chemical Society 4 Stanly C. Israel Region Award for Advancign Diversity in the Chemical Sciences The Stanley C. Israel Regional Award recognizes individuals and/or institutions who have advanced diversity in the chemical sciences and significantly stimulated or fostered activities that promote inclusiveness within the region. Nominees may come from academia, industry, government, or independent entities, and may also be organizations, including ACS Local Sections and Divisions. The nominee must have created and fostered ongoing programs or activities that result in increased numbers of persons from diverse and underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, or women who participate in the chemical enterprise.
American Chemical Society 5 Stanly C. Israel Region Award for Advancign Diversity in the Chemical Sciences YOUR ONLY REPSONSIBILTY FOR THIS AWARD IS TO: Promote it Solicit Nominations for it from within your region Ensure that any worthy candidate(s) from your local section is nominated by the deadline set by CMA
American Chemical Society 6 E. Ann Nalley Region Awards for Volunteer Service to the ACS Instituted in 2006 by ACS President E. Ann Nalley as part of her presidential initiative to recognize ACS volunteerism. Nominees must be a member of the ACS residing in a local section within the region, and will have made significant contributions to their Region of the American Chemical Society. No minimum number of nominations is required. It may be award by committee acclamation to a single nominee
American Chemical Society 7 E. Ann Nalley Region Awards for Volunteer Service to the ACS -- Continued The review committee should consist of at least three individuals and include the immediate past recipient of the award, and the awards chairs or others designated by the awards chairs. Once the recipient has been named, notify your MPP who will in turn order the plaque. Forward the nomination packet, a short bio and an electronic photo to your MPP.
American Chemical Society 8 E. Ann Nalley Region Awards for Volunteer Service to the ACS -- Continued In addition to the plaque, recipients will receive complimentary meeting registration, two tickets to the awards banquet, and one night’s lodging. The award chairs must forward the credentials of the Regional recipient as its nominee for the National ACS Volunteer Award
American Chemical Society 9 CHED Region Award for Excellence in High School Chemistry Teaching Sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education Award consists of a plaque furnished by ACS and a $1,000 check from CHED; as well as complimentary meeting registration, travel expenses for the awardee to attend the Regional Meeting at which the award will be presented: transportation, one night’s lodging, 2 tickets for the awards banquet and substitute coverage if it is necessary. At least three nominations per region – Nominations may be updated and carried over from the previous year with the consent of the original nominator.
American Chemical Society 10 CHED Region Award for Excellence in High School Chemistry Teaching – Continued The review committee should consist of at least four individuals and include the immediate past recipient of the award, the awards chairs, and the designated CHED regional representative. Once the recipient has been named, notify your MPP who will in turn check, and order the plaque. Forward the nomination packet, a short bio and an electronic photo to your MPP as well. The award chairs must forward the credentials of the Regional recipient as its nominee for the National ACS James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching;