Saudi Arabia facts…… In 1985 prince Sultan Ibn Salman became the first Arab and first Muslim to travel into space. Saudi women are forbidden to drive cars and ride bikes Saudi’s believe that the rules for women are to protect a woman's modesty and honor All Businesses and offices are required to close during the 5 prayer times though out the day. Most Muslims practice Islam Because of the lack of water in Saudi Arabia they rely on desalination for water Saudi people talk before and after meals never during. They don’t have movies there Oil is their most exported resource.
Iran facts Official language is Persian~Farsi Shia Islam is Iran’s state religion 10% of Iran’s population is nomadic or semi nomadic Man and women do not display affection in public Some houses in the desert city of Yazd have underground houses to escape the heat Boys and girls go to separate schools Most marriages are arranged by family, some parts of Iran have changed though
Israel facts Some Israelis are on the Kibbutz, a rural community where everybody shares everything with almost everybody Men and women are required to serve in the military for a certain amount of time They read more books than any other country Has the second largest fleet of fighter air craft Only country in the M.E. that allows Muslims, Christians, and Jews all in one place One-third is Israelis volunteer for something in there community There are no civil marriages Israel does not have a written constitution
Turkey facts Yea is their national drink A very popular sport there is camel wrestling Had the 1 st motels The most common folk instrument is the saz Soccer was introduced to them by the British in the 19 th century Hagia Sophia is a gigantic church built in Istanbul in A.D. 557 (very famous)