“Enabling a Paradigm Shift towards Monitoring and Assessment with UNCCD” Official Launch of the Project and 2 nd PSC meeting Rome, Italy 31May 2010 Introduction to the UNCCD PRAIS project
Presentation Outline Performance Review & Assessment of Implementation System Project Overview Objectives of the Project Components of the Project Role of the Reference Centres Project Timeframe
Project Overview performance review & assessment of implementation system Full title: Enabling a Paradigm Shift on Monitoring and Assessment within the UNCCD Short title: UNCCD PRAIS project Implementing Agency: UNEP Division of GEF cooperation (UNEP/DGEF) Executing Agency: UNEP-WCMC Executing Partners: UNCCD Secretariat, Global Mechanism and Regional/Sub- Regional Reference Centres Project Budget: US$2,5 million of GEF grant with around $5 million co-financing (mainly in-kind) leveraged through the UNCCD Secretariat, Global Mechanism, European Commission, donors and Parties at national level Start date: January 2010 End date: June 2011
Project Objectives 1.To build a scientifically rigorous and credible assessment of the performance of the implementation of the Convention at national, subregional, regional and global levels; and 2.To build/strengthen capacity and knowledge management systems for subsequent assessment and reporting, including impact indicators. performance review & assessment of implementation system
PRAIS Components 1: Review of indicators, and formulation of guidelines and reporting formats 2: Assessment of current baseline, synthesis and preparation of reports at all levels 3: Knowledge Management System, M&E and Dissemination (4: Project Management) performance review & assessment of implementation system
PRAIS Components (cont’ed) performance review & assessment of implementation system
Role of the Reference Centres performance review & assessment of implementation system 14 Regional and Sub-Regional Reference Centres jointly identified by UNCCD Secretariat and UNEP-WCMC in consultation with the GM and UNEP/DGEF as executing partners for the UNCCD PRAIS project at the regional level. The RCs are specialized institutions in the sub-region/region with recognized mandate in SLM and a recognized experience of UNCCD implementation. These centers are expected to continue to play a major role in the reporting process beyond the 2010 pilot exercise. They should have some mechanisms which retain and share institutional knowledge, including of the assessment and reporting process. In cooperation with UNEP-WCMC, they will be responsible for the execution of the activities at regional level, providing front-line support for nore than140 eligible Affected Country Parties. As such, they will play a crucial role for the successful implementation of the project at regional and national level.
Expected Contribution by Reference Centres (May – December 2010) performance review & assessment of implementation system 1. Training of Trainers (RCs) and 2. Training of NFPs 3. Helpdesk 4. Review and comment 5. Lessons Learnt Report
Project Timeframe performance review & assessment of implementation system
Project Implementation Arrangements performance review & assessment of implementation system
Luca Perez Global Project Coordinator, UNEP/GEF UNCCD PRAIS project "Enabling a Paradigm Shift on Monitoring and Assessment within the UNCCD" Ecosystem Assessment Programme UNEP-WCMC 219 Huntingdon Road Cambridge, CB3 0DL United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) (Direct line) +44 (0) (Switchboard) Mobile: +44 (0) Thank you!