HFA Review INDIA By Director, DM Division Ministry of Home Affairs
CONSULTATIONS Core Group constituted to review the implementation. HFA National Focal Point - JS (DM). Regular meeting of working Group. Information from NGO’s working in India about their contribution. Information collected from various academic and research institutions. Details from various ministries and state governments collected on mainstreaming DM.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEAD MINISTRY/AGENCY/DEPARTMENT IN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE VARIOUS KEY ACTIVITIES AS IDENTIFIED UNDER THE PRIORITY AREAS OF ACTION Priority Actions Responsibilities Priority Action - 1 Ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation NDMA and SDMA NIDM for human resources Planning Commission for financial resources. DM Division, Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Panchayati Raj for strengthening of local authorities Non Governmental Organizations Priority –2 (Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning) National Remote Sensing Centre Central Water Commission India Meteorological Department Geological Survey of India DM Division, Ministry Of Home Affairs Indian Centre for Oceanic Information and Services (INCOIS)
Priority Action 3: Knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels NIDM Ministry Of Human Resource Development CBSC and various State boards of Education NCERT and similar institutions at state level. Various UN Agencies. Other relevant research organizations & universities. NDMA. Priority 4: Reduce the underlying risk factors Ministry of: Environment and Forest; Rural Development Science and Technology; Health and Family Welfare; Urban Development; Home Affairs and Planning Commission NDMA Priority 5: Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels. NIDM NDMA DM Division I &II,MHA.
PROCESS / MECHANISMS FOR CONSULTATIONS Specific formats developed for collection of information from various ministries/departments and other agencies at the national level. Working Group Meetings held to brief various ministries about the format as well as to collect relevant information's. Director(Disaster Management) along with a support officer are engaged in following up with various ministries, departments, agencies, collating the information and verifying it. UNDP Country office provided assistance in collating information from other UN agencies working on DRR. A template was developed and circulated to states to capture the progress made at state level. Specific query posted in UN- Solution Exchange Network to receive feedbacks from DM Practitioners on the subject. Workshops / Meetings Working groups Information collection Authentication Time Line
SOME KEY ACHIEVEMENTS DURING ( ) National Disaster Management Policy formulated National Disaster Response Fund constituted Dedicated funds for Training and Capacity Building by 13 th Finance Commission. Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs and DDMAs) constituted at State and District level GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Program being implemented in all states across the country to strengthening Institutional Apparatus. Mainstreaming DRR in development plan- 11 th Five Year Plan includes specific strategies for DM.. PRIORITY 1
PRIORITY 2 Nodal Agencies identified for monitoring hazards and generating early warning. Disaster Management Plans at national, State and District Level being prepared. The Emergency Operation Centers at National, State and District level being strength for effective response. Key departments/ organizations identified to provide hazard information and early warnings on different natural hazards. National Disaster Management Program (NDMP) for training and capacity building of disaster managers. (NIDM, State DM centers) UGC circulars to introduce courses on Disaster Management by University Grant Commission (UGC) Pilot project on CB for Government Officials, representatives of the PRIs and ULBs (district level) launched by Indira Gandhi National Open University School Safety Program under pipeline. CD setup under revamping. PRIORITY 3:
No. of Hazard Risk Mitigation Guidelines developed. National Action Plan for Climate Change formulated to emphasize on several disaster risk reduction measures like vulnerability assessment, contingency plans, maintenance of critical facilities like water supply, health, enforcement of building codes, strengthening of early warning system etc. Special funds for revamping of Fire Services for Urban Local Bodies and State Fire Service Departments. Scheme of strengthening of Fire and Emergency Services under way. Implementation of National Cyclone Risk Management Project in 13 cyclone prone states in the country. PRIORITY 4:
PRIORITY 5: National Capacity Development Plan, National Mitigation Plan and National Response Plan being prepared. Guidelines developed for preparation of Multi-Hazard disaster Management Plans at State & District level. National Disaster Response Force constituted and states are encouraged to set up State Level Disaster Response Force. National Emergency Communication Plan in pipeline. National Database Emergency Management upgraded.
CHALLENGES Vast Geographical spread. Multi-Hazard Profile of the country with diverse physical topography. Capacity gaps in implementing Disaster Risk Reduction measures. The provisions of the DM legislation requires more time to get implemented on ground. Mitigation requires long-term planning and resource intensive often sidelined because of other competing priorities of a developing nation. A need to develop strong mechanisms for disaster information sharing. A need to strengthen the knowledge management systems for better understanding of various dimensions of disaster risks and vulnerabilities.
UTILIZATION OF HFA REPORTS IN THE COUNTRY The future outlook statements made in the National Report provides an insight into the way forward of Government of India National Progress Report has been circulated to the all the key ministries, departments and agencies at national level. Implementation of various provisions of the DM Act- Synergy among the existing institutions and the newly created authorities Strengthening partnerships- Non governmental organizations, Local Bodies, Corporate Sectors, Academic and Research Institutions, Inter departmental and inter-ministerial Mainstreaming DRR in development plan- 11 th Five Year Plan includes specific strategies for DM
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE CONSULTATION Monitoring indicators as set in the online system to be country/region/group specific. Financial Support to organize thematic workshops for better implementation of the priority areas. Country Level Support to develop Country Assessment Report. Local level communities involvement in implementation of HFA. Multi-stakeholder consultative mechanisms to be intensified.
Thank you
Structure of the Working Group Joint Secretary, Disaster Management Ministry Of Home Affairs Chairperson Executive Director, NIDMMember Representative from Ministry Of Rural DevelopmentMember Representative from Ministry Of Panchayati Raj.Member. Representative from Ministry Of Urban DevelopmentMember Representative from Ministry of HealthMember Representative fro Ministry Of Environment and ForestsMember Representative fro Planning CommissionMember Representative from Ministry Of Women and Child DevelopmentMember Representative from Ministry of Earth Sciences.Member Representative from Ministry Of Science and TechnologyMember Joint Secretary,NDMAMember Deputy Secretary,NDM-IIIMember Representative from UNDPMember