Krakow Feb.06 Institute of Physics, Prague Petr Mikes / Lukas Masek
1. Description of current geometry and future upgrades. Krakow Feb Preliminary GEANT simulations of LumiCal. 3. Future steps.
Krakow Feb.06 Strip version: Number of Layers = 30 Number of Segments = 24 Number of Cylinders = 10
Krakow Feb.06 Thungsten (2.5 mm) new G4Material(“Thungsten", 74., *g/mole, *g/cm3, kStateSolid, *kelvin, 1.0*atmosphere ); Silicon (0.3 mm) new G4Material("Silicon", 14., *g/mole, 2.330*g/cm3, kStateSolid, *kelvin, 1.0*atmosphere ); Electronic board (0.8 mm) G4Material* Ka = new G4Material("Kapton",1.43*g/cm3, ncomponents=4); Ka->AddElement(elC,natoms=22); Ka->AddElement(elH,natoms=10); Ka->AddElement(elN,natoms=2); Ka->AddElement(elO,natoms=5); density = (fractionmass1/100* fractionmass2/100*8.960)*g/cm3; G4Material*Electronic = new G4Material("Electronic_board", density, ncomponents=2); Electronic->AddMaterial(Ka, fractionmass1*perCent); Electronic->AddMaterial(Cu, fractionmass2*perCent); Air (1.2 mm) G4Material* Air =new G4Material("Air", 1.290*mg/cm3, 2); Air->AddElement( elN, 0.7); Air->AddElement( elO, 0.3); Thin Layers of thungsten
Krakow Feb.06 Change geometry to Maximum Peak Shower Design. 20 cylinders 10 cylinders 4 rings15 rings11 rings 10 cylinders Use both sides of detector and use Bhabha generator. Help to Bogdan Pawlik with implementation to MOKKA.
GOALS: Cooperate with HEP Experimental group, TAU (Ronen Ingbir, Sergey Kananov). Krakow Feb.06 Create simulation group in Prague (Petr Mikes, Lukas Masek, Jaroslav Klaus). Make GEANT simulations of LumiCal for different particles and energies and optimize its parameters.
Krakow Feb.06
100 GeV [mm] = z i *E i / Ei energy [GeV] [cm] x and y are still not sensitive, problem with copy numbers Simulations are quite slow, need optimizations.
Geometry We still need few weeks for finish our setup: Set Sensitivity for x and y, change geometry to Max. Peak Shower Design, use MOKKA design (work simultaneosly with Bogdan Pawlik). Simulations: When setup is done, start testing LumiCal with different particles, energies, beam position, different number of cylinders and sements etc. Work simultaneously with TAU (Ronen Ingbir, Sergey Kananov). Krakow Feb.06 Use computer farm GOLIASH situated in ASCR for faster simulations (Jaroslav Klaus). Be in the contact with OM Semiconductors for producing wafers for LumiCal.
Krakow Feb.06 I hope in constructive cooperation THANK YOU