Air Quality at Dairy Queen Whitefish High School Mr. Spangler By: Abby R, Kenzie C, Jordan S
Hypothesis The PM 2.5 level will be the highest during the lunch period 12-3pm Research Question When will the PM 2.5 level be the highest throughout the day?
We work at Dairy Queen and we wanted to know how the air quality fluctuates throughout the day. Interest
● What is PM 2.5 o mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets o Means mass per cubic meter with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers o 2.5 x 10^6m= m o dust, smoke, ash ● What is EPA limit for PM 2.5 ? o The out door limit is 3.5 Background
● Premature death with people who have heart diseases ● Nonfatal heart attacks ● Irregular heartbeat ● Aggravated asthma ● Decreased lung function ● Difficulty breathing Side Effects
We used the DustTrak to collect the air quality data at Dairy Queen in Whitefish, MT. We started to sample the air on February 13th at 4:25 pm, and ended our sample on February 15th at 8:30 pm. We placed the DustTrak right behind the front counter, where most customers will be at some point during their visit, and where workers are at multiple times during their shift. We compared the results of the busy and slower times, and our result supported our hypothesis. Methods
Variables ●Independent ○PM2.5 level ●Controlled ○Location of the DustTrak
Location of DustTrak
Minimum: 2/14/15 Start:Friday,February 13th at 4:25 pm.0272 mg/m^3 Maximum: 2/14/15End: Sunday, February 15th at 8:30pm 1.667mg/m^3 Average:0.140 mg/m^3 Results
We supported our hypothesis when we found out that the PM 2.5 level was the worst around 2-6pm, and we predicted that is was the worst from 12-3 which is around the same time because it is lunch rush. In conclusion, throughout the day the air quality at Dairy Queen is way above the EPA limit. Conclusion
● Tested each part of the store o Kitchen o Drive Through o Lobby ● Logged when it was busy and when it wasn’t ● Tested the weekend vs weekdays ● Specific variables o Cooking on the grill o Using the Fryers o Ice Cream machine Improvements
Thanks ●Staff of Dairy Queen ●Mr. Spangler
"Public Health: Sources and Effects of PM2.5." Sources and Effects of PM2.5. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May "OR." Air Info Now: What Is Particulate Matter. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May "Health." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 30 May Bibliography