BTW ”If you go, my advice to you” - Distributed Software Development
Project status
Topics for today Project status & statistics GUI design Architecture implementation
Milestones Milestone IDDescription Planned completion week Actual completion week Status M001 Requirements analysis & definition w46 Complete M002Object class designw47 Complete M003Database designw48 Complete M004 Map wrapper / HTML/CSS w49--On Track M005 User server logic, JS interfaces w50--Started
Work Statistics 25 discussion topics 107 discussion replies 8 pages created to help group members (instructions) 52 files posted Activity on Google Groups 16 official project files Activity on DSD page 1 local MDH 1 local FER 2 MDH + FER Direct communication every day (more than an hour per day) between the two leaders Meetings per week 86 project files (including database and designed artwork) + other libraries files Project files
Members work MemberW45 W46W47W48 Total TN SM AZ GC SO DZ Total247, Note: The different level of knowledge require some extra/less work for members Less hours does not mean less productivity!!
Project costs The project status is: On Track Different evaluation about costs between the first versions of the plan and the newer: meeting and learning hours were not counted in early versions Current Planned Cost7800$ Current Actual Cost15400$ Planned Project Cost21600$ Forecasted Project Cost32400$
Activities plan review w45w46w47w48w49w50w51w52w1 Project preparations Requirements analysis & definition Object class design Database design HTML / CSS coding Google map API wrapper Users logic coding Client side and server data exchange logic Javascript I/O interfaces Route and advice logic Testing Documentation Conferences Weeks 2 and 3 are put to reserve to manage project risks and additional implementation Allready member down (so first risk came true) At work Completed Not started
GUI – Main Page
GUI - Map
Architecture status % All core “logic” becomes service methods 70% !! NEW !! “service like” logic 5% Only skeleton completed Ready for implementation 100% 95% Possible minor future changes 30% Registration / simple queries functional 5%Prototype API using HTTP POST and JSON 5% Distributed JS code 85% wrapped 90%
“Service like” behavior Multiple client applications Different data transfer types Extensibility
Lets see this in ACTION!
Questions ?