WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 DEFINITION - Datacasting The wireless broadcasting of data streams (other than real time video and audio) to remote applications; and The wireless broadcasting of data files to remote storage systems.
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 DEFINITION - iTV The wireless broadcasting of data associated by time or content with broadcast television services intended either to control remote hardware or to provide ‘on demand’ displays on a TV screen.
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 OBSERVATIONS - DATACASTING & iTV iTV *may* involve datacasting. DATACASTING does *not* involve television, but *may* deliver video and/or audio files. ….cont/
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 OBSERVATIONS - DATACASTING & iTV DATACASTING is a mode *not* a quality. DATACASTING originates in the PC world. TV and PC each has its own acceptable display and GUI standards, location in the home and usage models.
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 ‘BOINK’ - THE QUESTION ‘Will viewers become users - can a PC technology like DATACASTING provide a reliable, consistent, usable and appropriate service to TV viewers, on a TV screen and consistent with TV behaviour?’
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 ‘BOINK’ - THE ISSUES Datacast streams/client applications on TV: Field updates/version control GUI design Application design
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 ‘BOINK’ - THE ISSUES Datacast files on TV: Download/pre-load schedule Selection/storage/retrieval Memory management GUI design Application design
WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK WHERE CONVERGENCE GOES BOINK Io Research P/L 2001 2001 CONCLUSIONS iTV should use small files broadcast synchronously with the TV content to which they relate, launched automatically by the operating system. Use of stream data will likely be limited. Large file distribution to a TV is *not* impossible - only difficult. It may happen, but the total system has not yet been developed.