LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Introduction to Javascript
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy The Project Individual responsibility 1.When you hand in the project, you will need to indicate who was responsible for each part, and in what proportion. So for example, person A may have done 50% of the visualization design and 20% of the paper, while person B may have done 40% of the programming and 30% of the documentation. 1.I will evaluate each part of the project separately, and each person's grade will be based on their contributions to the different parts of the project.
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Pieces of the Project 1. Visualization choice and design 2. Interaction and GUI design 3. Data collection and processing 4. Implementation of (1)-(3) 5. Testing 6. Documentation/help 7. Paper
LInfoVis Winter 2011 Chris Culy Some examples