SMART ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (S.E.C.S) John Ayers Tanner Ricks Jason Stange Jacqueline Ortiz An intelligent HVAC control system that efficiently controls airflow in an environment. Status Report # 6 Design Team # 4 10/29/2012
S.E.C.S. provides an efficient solution for environmental control systems for commercial and residential applications. Project Milestones Parts Acquisition 9/10/12 Parts Acquisition 9/10/12 Parts Testing 9/14/12 Circuit Integration 10/9/12 Software Design and Integration 10/18/12 Testing & Proof of Concept 11/15/
COMPLETED TASKS Parts Acquisition Parts Acquisition 100% Parts have been ordered/received Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Circuit Design and Integration Circuit Design and Integration 100% Functionality of teensy with adapter & Xbee 100% Functionality of Temp Sensor with FE Teensy Software Design Software Design 80% Programming of all micro-controllers 85% Xbee Programming Debugging and Proof of Concept Debugging and Proof of Concept N/A
COMPLETED TASKS Second zone components in and tested Xbee communication issue fixed. Integration of temp-sensor and MC completed Integration of libraries for vent control LCD displaying data completed Website completed
ONGOING TASKS Parts Acquisition Parts Acquisition Ordered (Rfid reader) Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Circuit Design and Integration Circuit Design and Integration Integrating RFID in zone Testing of all components per zone Software Design Software Design GUI Design 25% Control Algorithm writing and debugging Debugging and Proof of Concept Debugging and Proof of Concept Integrating servo to air vent Also: Working on Draft for Final Report & Poster
UPCOMING TASKS Parts Acquisition Completed Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Circuit Design and Integration Control Circuit Integration Software Design Interfacing GUI with microcontroller (establishing serial port comm) Communication testing between controller and front end devices Debugging and Proof of Concept Construction of POF Also: Updating Webpage