Diana Parno d 2 n and A 1 n : Recent Results and Outlook CENPA, University of Washington 2013 Users’ Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab
2 Deep inelastic scattering and structure functions d 2 and A 1 for the neutron E in Hall A at 6 GeV Outlook at 12 GeV Outline Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Start with a polarized electron and a polarized nucleon They exchange a virtual photon Virtual photon-nucleon vertex contains nucleon structure information Inclusive measurement: only detect scattered electrons Incident electron k Incident nucleon k’ Scattered electron q Virtual photon p Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
4 Scattering from a point particle is straightforward: Nucleon Structure Functions To describe scattering from a complex structure – like a nucleon – you need structure functions: k k’ θ Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
5 Polarized Structure Functions Now add relative spin orientations to the picture F 1 (x, Q 2 ) and g 1 (x, Q 2 ) have simple meanings in the quark-parton model: Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
6 From g 1 and g 2, we form the quantity d 2 for the nucleon: d2d2 Clean probe of twist-3 physics (quark-gluon correlations) Proton Neutron d2d2 Predictions and Data Bag ModelQCD Sum Rules Lattice QCD Chiral Soliton Data 2σ discrepancy between lattice prediction and measurement of neutron d 2 We need precise data at large x Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
7 Picture the polarizations at the hadron vertex: A1A1 Same helicities:Opposite helicities: Photon spin Nucleon spin Flavor decomposition of spin structure from A 1 n and A 1 p combined Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
8 More Neutron DIS Data Needed... at Q 2 ≈ 5 GeV 2 and large x. d2nd2n Q 2 (GeV 2 )... at large x. pQCD predicts Leader, Sidorov and Stamenov, PRD 75: (2007) Avakian et al, PRL 99: (2007) x A1nA1n Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
9 Deep inelastic scattering and structure functions d 2 and A 1 for the neutron E in Hall A at 6 GeV Outlook at 12 GeV Outline Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
10 E in Hall A BigBite spectrometer Left high-resolution spectrometer Compton Polarimeter Beam direction Feb-Mar 2009 E e = 4.7 and 5.9 GeV Inclusive asymmetries Inclusive cross sections Polarized electron beam Polarized 3 He target Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
11 Polarized 3 He Target 87% of the time, the neutron carries the 3 He nuclear spin Polarized 3 He target ≈ polarized neutron target Ameya Kolarkar, PhD thesis, 2008 Hybrid spin-exchange optical pumping 1. Polarize Rb via optical pumping 2. Rb-K interactions polarize K 3. K- 3 He interactions polarize 3 He Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
12 E Kinematics DIS region Resonance region Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
13 What you will see accounted for: –Beam polarization –Target polarization –N 2 dilution in target cell –Dilution from e + /e - pairs produced in π 0 decay –Basic nuclear corrections (effective polarization model) Preliminary E Results What you won’t see accounted for: –Radiative corrections (nearly complete) –Asymmetries from e + /e - pairs –Some systematics (cut selection, kinematics) –More sophisticated nuclear corrections Deconvolution method in progress – Melnitchouk et al. Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
14 x 2 g 1 n (d 2 n integrand) Lacks radiative / pair-production corrections Systematic error bars will grow Preliminary nuclear-correction method Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
15 x 2 g 2 n (d 2 n integrand) Lacks radiative / pair-production corrections Systematic error bars will grow Preliminary nuclear-correction method Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
16 A 1 He-3 Lacks radiative / pair-production corrections Systematic error bars will grow No nuclear correction yet E06014 (E e = 5.89 GeV) E06014 (E e = 4.74 GeV) E142 E E (resonance) DISResonance Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
17 Deep inelastic scattering and structure functions d 2 and A 1 for the neutron E in Hall A at 6 GeV Outlook at 12 GeV Outline Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
18 E e =11 GeV, upgraded 3 He target SHMS: large x range at nearly constant Q 2 HMS: fill in gaps at low x E : d 2 n at 12 GeV Spokespeople: T. Averett W. Korsch Z.-E. Meziani B. Sawatzky Approved with A- rating 29 days in Hall C E kinematics HMS SHMS Measure d 2 n at 4 constant Q 2 values Error at each point will be comparable to E Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
19 E e =11 GeV, upgraded 3 He target Simultaneous HMS, SHMS measurements improve statistics E : A 1 n at 12 GeV Spokespeople: G. Cates J.-P. Chen Z.-E. Meziani X. Zheng Approved with A rating 36 days in Hall C Explore Q 2 dependence Push to high x Precise DIS A 1 n measurements from 0.25 ≤ x ≤ ° 12.5° Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
20 E e =6.6, 8.8 GeV; upgraded 3 He target BigBite: Primary measurement Left HRS: Cross-check (lower statistics) E : A 1 n at 12 GeV Spokespeople: T. Averett G. Cates N. Liyanage G. Rosner B. Wojtsekhowski X. Zheng Approved with A- rating 23 days in Hall A Third set of Q 2 values for interpolation Test of open-geometry measurement technique Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
21 DIS measurements of d 2 n and A 1 n at large x will –test Lattice QCD and pQCD –probe higher-twist effects –explore nucleon spin structure E data will address these questions –Stay tuned for final results The 12-GeV program will improve the picture even further –Push to higher x –Explore Q 2 evolution Conclusions Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
The E Collaboration (Hall A) K. Allada W. Armstrong T. Averett F. Benmokhtar W. Bertozzi A. Camsonne M. Canan G. D. Cates C. Chen J.-P. Chen S. Choi E. Chudakov F. Cusanno M. M. Dalton W. Deconinck C. W. de Jager X. Deng A. Deur C. Dutta L. El Fassi D. Flay G. B. Franklin M. Friend H. Gao F. Garibaldi S. Gilad R. Gilman O. Glamazdin S. Golge J. Gomez L. Guo O. Hansen D. W. Higinbotham T. Holmstrom J. Huang C. Hyde H. F. Ibrahim X. Jiang G. Jin J. Katich A. Kelleher A. Kolarkar W. Korsch G. Kumbartzki J. J. LeRose R. Lindgren N. Liyanage E. Long A. Lukhanin V. Mamyan D. McNulty Z.-E. Meziani R. Michaels M. Mihovilovič B. Moffit N. Muangma S. Nanda A. Narayan V. Nelyubin B. Norum Nuruzzaman Y. Oh D. S. Parno J. C. Peng M. Posik X. Qian Y. Qiang A. Rakhman R. D. Ransome S. Riordan A. Saha B. Sawatzky M. H. Shabestari A. Shahinyan S. Širca P. Solvignon R. Subedi V. Sulkosky A. Tobias W. Troth D. Wang Y. Wang B. Wojtsekhowski X. Yan H. Yao Y. Ye Z. Ye L. Yuan X. Zhan Y. Zhang Y.-W. Zhang B. Zhao X. Zheng Co-spokespersonPhD (in progress)PhD (complete)
23 The DOE Office of Science The Accelerator Division The “Big Family” collaboration for setup help Further Acknowledgments Thank you! The Transversity collaboration for many of the pictures used in this talk Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
24 Backup Slides Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
25 DIS Vocabulary Let’s define some useful variables in the lab frame (nucleon rest frame) k k’ θ Four-momentum transfer Electron energy loss (lab frame) Bjorken x (momentum fraction) Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
26 Longitudinally polarized beam and target Polarized Structure Functions Longitudinally polarized beam and transversely polarized target k k’ θ Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
27 Polarized Electron Beam The electrons on target are longitudinally polarized…but how well polarized are they? Two measurement methods for E06-014: Møller scattering (e - e - e - e - ) Destructive measurement From Hall A Møller Group Compton scattering (e - γ e - γ) Non-destructive measurement Circularly polarized photons Longitudinally polarized electrons Photon energy Asymmetry Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
28 3 multiwire drift chambers –Tracking –Momentum BigBite Adapted from Xin Qian, PhD thesis, 2010 Scattered particles Gas Čerenkov –Exclude pions from trigger 2 lead-glass calorimeters –Energy –Particle identification Scintillator plane –Timing Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
29 Radiative corrections have not been applied 5.9-GeV Cross Sections Diana Parno - May 29, 2013
30 Radiative corrections have not been applied 4.7-GeV Cross Sections Diana Parno - May 29, 2013