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He was the leader of Germany during WWII. A 100
Who was Adolf Hitler? A 100
He was the leader of Great Britain during WWII. A 200
Who was Winston Churchill? A 200
He was the leader of the Soviet Union during WWII. A 300
Who was Josef Stalin? A 300
He was the leader of Italy during WWII. A 400
Who was Benito Mussolini? A 400
He was a famous general, known for fighting in the Pacific Theater during and after WWII. A 500
Who was Douglas MaCarthur? A 500
He was the president of the U.S. during most of WWII. B 100
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt? B 100
She was the First Lady during most of WWII. B 200
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? B 200
He became president of the U.S. after FDR died. B 300
Who was Harry Truman? B 300
He was the admiral that planned the attack on Pearl Harbor. B 400
Who was Yamamoto? B 400
He was the emperor of Japan during WWII. B 500
Who was Hirohito? B 500
On December 7, 1941 this event brought America into the war. C 100
What was Pearl Harbor? C 100
This horrific event took place during/after the battle of the Philippines in C 200
What is the Bataan Death March? C 200
In 1938, at this conference, Britain and France agreed to Germany’s demands and allowed Germany take the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. The hope was that Hitler would stop there. C 300
What was the Munich Conference? C 300
In late 1943 Stalin, Churchill, and FDR met in Iran at this conference in order to discuss, among other things, the Allied invasion of France. C 400
What is the Tehran Conference? C 400
The two atomic bombs were dropped on ___________ and _________ in ______ of C 500
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki and August? C 500
Some argue that this document, which ended WWI, set the stage for WWII. D 100
What is the Treaty of Versailles? D 100
This enabled FDR to send weapons to Great Britain during WWII, and in return Great Britain had to return them, or they could pay/rent them after the war. D 200
What was the Lend-Lease Act? D 200
This Act stated that it was illegal for Americans to sell any weapons to any country at war. D 300
What was the Neutrality Act of 1935? D 300
Signed in 1941, this was a result of a meeting between FDR and Churchill. It committed both nations to a postwar world of democracy, free trade, and freedom of the seas. D 400
What was the Atlantic Charter? D 400
On April 25, 1945, 50 countries signed a document that basically agreed to the creation of this organization. D 500
What is the United Nations? D 500
Benito Mussolini founded this party in Italy. E 100
What is the Fascist Party? E 100
He was the leader of the Communist group that won the Russian Civil War and renamed Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in E 200
Who is Vladimir Lenin? E 200
These countries made up the Axis powers during WWII. E 300
Who are Japan, Germany, and Italy? E 300
These laws took German citizenship away from Jews and banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews in Germany. E 400
What were the Nuremberg Laws? E 400
This term was used by the Germans when referring what to do with the Jewish population. NAZI leaders met at the Wannsee Conference to discuss it. E 500
What is the “Final Solution”? E 500
Pearl Harbor took place on this date. F 100
What is December 7, 1941? F 100
F 200 This was a government plan during WWII in which Mexican laborers helped harvest crops in the Southwest.
What was the Bracero Program? F 200
Allied forces started turning the tide of war in Europe when they landed at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944; also known as this. F 300
What is “D-Day”? F 300
These Native Americas played a crucial role in WWII as their language was used as a code that the Japanese never cracked. F 400
Who are the Navajo? F 400
August 15, 1945 is also known as this. F 500
What is “V-J Day”? F 500
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He was president when the atomic bombs were dropped and World War II ended. Click on screen to continue
Who is Harry Truman? Click on screen to continue
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