Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan David Zippin, Ph.D. ICF International David Zippin, Ph.D. ICF International Overview and Lessons Learned Overview and Lessons Learned
Study Area 520,000 acres
Covered Species 21 Covered Species: 11 Wildlife Species Townsend’s big-eared bat Western pond turtle Tricolored blackbird Golden eagle San Joaquin kit fox CA tiger salamander Bay checkerspot butterfly CA red-legged frog Western burrowing owl
Covered Species 10 Plants – Focused on Serpentine Species © 2005 Janell Hillman © 2003 Dean Wm. Taylor © 1999 California Academy of Sciences Mt. Hamilton thistle Fragrant fritillary Smooth lessingia Santa Clara Valley dudleya Coyote ceanothus Most beautiful jewelflower
Lessons Learned: What is Hard Covering fish Biological challenges, cost NMFS and HCPs Document with dual purposes Wildlife Agency decisions vs. local needs Detail vs. user-friendly HCP/NCCP vs. implementation tools
Lessons Learned: What is Hard Covering rural development Unpredictable locations Fees, survey burdens Potential conflicts with conservation strategy Economic climate New fees Early implementation funding Thinking long term
Lessons Learned: What is Critical 1.Keep the bus moving Funding, work products, deadlines, staffing, stakeholders 2.Keep all stakeholders on the bus Outreach, involvement, politics 3.Don’t keep all species on the bus 4.Provide true permit streamlining AND true conservation Contribute to recovery, project surveys, fees