Crofton School Year 11
Art Exam: 40% ( Jan – April) Exam: 40% ( Jan – April) 21 st, 22 nd, 23 rd, 24 th March st, 22 nd, 23 rd, 24 th March 2016 Controlled assessment: 60% Controlled assessment: 60% Mock exam project Sept – Dec 30% Mock exam project Sept – Dec 30% Mock Exam Part of portfolio work. Mock Exam Part of portfolio work. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th December th, 15th, 16th, 17th December 2015 Key Points: Key Points: –Class work to be completed for homework –Must have basic equipment at home. Paints, oils,pastels,colour pencils etc.
Dance Set Study 20% Set Study 20% Performance exams 20% Performance exams 20% Choreography group and solo 40% Choreography group and solo 40% Theory exam 20% Theory exam 20% Yr 10 all internal assessments Yr 10 all internal assessments Key point Key point Attendance at rehearsal essential. Attendance at rehearsal essential.
Drama Internal controlled assessments: 60% Practical exploration of a text (videoed) and written response 1,000 wordsPractical exploration of a text (videoed) and written response 1,000 words Practical exploration of a theme (videoed) and written response 2,000 wordsPractical exploration of a theme (videoed) and written response 2,000 words Live performance written review 2,000 words.Live performance written review 2,000 words. Unit 2b Review trip: Thursday 22nd October 2015 to WAR HORSE External examination: 40% Practical performance based on a theme set from the exam boardPractical performance based on a theme set from the exam board Key Points: It is compulsory for students to attend group extra-curricular rehearsals and work cooperatively with others.It is compulsory for students to attend group extra-curricular rehearsals and work cooperatively with others. Students must be aware that parts of the course will be heavily written and require detailed notes. Support is available from their teacher.Students must be aware that parts of the course will be heavily written and require detailed notes. Support is available from their teacher. Students must attend live theatre performances and workshops as part of the course.Students must attend live theatre performances and workshops as part of the course.
Music Exam: Exam: –Listening and appraising : 20% –Composing and appraising (coursework and exam) 20% Coursework: Coursework: –Composition: 20% –Performance ( individual and group): 40% Key Points: Key Points: –Bring instruments when required
PE Exam 40% Exam 40% Coursework 60% Coursework 60% Practical 48%This is a combined score of the best 4 sports. Practical 48%This is a combined score of the best 4 sports. PEP and Analysis 12% 'students need to analyse the performance of others and suggest ways in which they can improve. They also need to be able to suggest activities and drills to promote this'. Key point Commitment to school clubs is important.
Geography Exams - 75% Two papers at the end of Year Sustainable Decision Making Exam (SDME) 25% on rivers and coasts. 2.Key Geographical Themes (KGT) exam 75% on population, settlement, economic activity, economic development, tectonic hazards and atmospheric hazards. 3. The Controlled Assessment (25%) was completed in Year 10.
The Key Geographical Themes paper is very content heavy and as most of the learning is completed in Year 10, revision is very important. Students are expected to purchase a green CGP revision guide from the Finance Office and bring it to lessons along with their exercise book. Revision sessions are on a Tuesday after school and have started already. Key Points: -
History Exam: 75% 2 exam papers – Paper 1 USA, , and Cold War, , (45%); Paper 2 British Society, (30%) Controlled assessment: Germany (25%) completed in year 10 internally moderated until external moderation in summer term of year 11. Key Points: 1 piece of controlled assessment 1 piece of controlled assessment Both exams at the end of year 11
RE Exam: 100% 2 papers 1 ½ hrs each. Exam: 100% 2 papers 1 ½ hrs each. Religion and Life Religion and Life Religion and Society. Religion and Society. Key Points: Key Points: Both exams at the end of yr 11
English Language Exam: 100% English Literature Exam: 100% Key Points: Must study three set texts (one of which is Macbeth) plus appropriate the EDUQAS poetry anthology. All exams are closed book – meaning that they do not have access to the texts during exams
Media Exam Exam Controlled Test 40% Controlled Test 40% Coursework60% Coursework60% Section A Section A 2 assignments ( in Yr 10 ) 2 assignments ( in Yr 10 ) Understanding the Media and Cross media studies Understanding the Media and Cross media studies words words Section B Section B Practical production and evaluation Practical production and evaluation words no more than 12 pages of material words no more than 12 pages of material.
Mathematics Exam: Non calculator: 50% Non calculator: 50% Calculator: 50% Calculator: 50% Key Points: Key Points: Need a scientific calculator Need a scientific calculator
GCSE Science 3 Exams (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): 75% 3 Exams (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): 75% ISA (Coursework): 25% ISA (Coursework): 25% –Pupils sit at least 2 ISA investigations with the best one counted Key Points: Key Points: –Course covered in second half of Year 9 and in year 10 –Exams sat at the end of Year 11
GCSE Additional Science 3 Exams (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): 75% 3 Exams (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): 75% ISA (Coursework): 25% ISA (Coursework): 25% –Pupils sit at least 2 ISA investigations with the best one counted Key Points: Key Points: –Course covered in second half of Year 10 and in year 11 –Exams sat at the end of Year 11
GCSE Separate Sciences 3 Biology Exams (75%) + 1 Biology ISA (25%) 3 Biology Exams (75%) + 1 Biology ISA (25%) 3 Chemistry Exams (75%) + 1 Chemistry ISA (25%) 3 Chemistry Exams (75%) + 1 Chemistry ISA (25%) 3 Physics Exams (75%) + 1 Physics ISA (25%) 3 Physics Exams (75%) + 1 Physics ISA (25%) ISA (Coursework): 25% ISA (Coursework): 25% –Pupils sit a single ISA in each discipline Key Points: Key Points: –Course content covered starting in second half of Year 9 –Exams sat at the end of Year 11
FSMQ Exam: 2 hour exam – calculator OCR FSMQ Advanced Level Additional Mathematics. Exam: 2 hour exam – calculator OCR FSMQ Advanced Level Additional Mathematics. Key Points: Key Points: Grade A-E available. Grade A-E available.
Design and Technology( not Food) Year 10 Controlled assessment 30% - introduction to designing and making ( January to May) Controlled assessment 30% - introduction to designing and making ( January to May) Year 11 Exam 40% Exam 40% Controlled assessment 30% - making quality products ( October to February) Controlled assessment 30% - making quality products ( October to February)
Food Yr 10 Yr 10 20% Controlled Assessment 20% Controlled Assessment - Afternoon tea design brief. - Afternoon tea design brief. Yr 11 Yr 11 40% Controlled Assessment 40% Controlled Assessment - Multicultural design brief - Multicultural design brief 40% Exam 40% Exam
Modern Foreign Languages Exam: Exam: –Reading: 20% (end of Year 11) –Speaking: 30% –Listening: 20%( end of Year 11) –Writing 30% –Key Points German dates Speaking: week beginning 9/10 (holidays) Speaking: week beginning 9/10 (holidays) Writing 10/12 ( Health) Writing 10/12 ( Health) Speaking week 8/2/16 (School life ) Speaking week 8/2/16 (School life )
ICT CIDA Yr 10 Web design Exam in Yr 11 25% Yr 10 Web design Exam in Yr 11 25% Yr 11 Gaming 75% Yr 11 Gaming 75%
ICT GCSE Yr 10 preparation for yr 11 Yr 10 preparation for yr 11 Yr 11 practical controlled assessment Using Digital tools 60% Using Digital tools 60% Exam 40% Exam 40%
Child development Year 10 Controlled Assessment 1, short task 10% Controlled Assessment 2, short task 10% Year 11 Controlled Assessment 3, short task 10% Child Study Controlled Assessment, 30%
PDL Y11 Personal Finance Y11 Drugs Talk Y11 Post 16 pathways incl local College talks Y11 Study skills & Mock preparation Y11 Spiritual Reflection Y11 Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing