Preparation of RNA and QC for Expression Profiling John Kenny Centre for Genomic Research, University of Liverpool.
Experimental Design, Bioinformatics. Library production/sequence generation: RNA-Seq, SAGE, Fragment, Mate-pair, Sequence Capture: Sure Select, Nimblegen, HaloPlex ChIP-Seq, Methylation Studies, Metagenomics.
Method of RNA Extraction? Trizol/Company extraction kits Only exception is miRNA
QC of RNA-Quality Bioanalyzer-RIN values Tapestation-RIN e
QC of RNA-the importance of quality Comparison of relative mRNA quantification models and the impact of RNA integrity in quantitative real-time RT- PCR. Biotechnol.Lett. 19, , RNA integrity and the effect on the real-time qRT-PCR performance. Mol. Aspects Med. 2-3, , 2006.
QC of RNA-Quantity Bioanalyzer-RIN values Tapestation-RIN e Quantification....ribogreen/Qubit (Invitrogen)/nanodrop
It Depends
Methods of rRNA removal rRNA depletion (%age recovery-method specific) Ribominus-Life Technologies Ribo-Zero-Epicentre rRNA removal (30-40% recovery) Terminator-Epicentre PolyA selection (1-5% recovery) Dynabeads-Invitrogen PolyA purist-Ambion How many rounds of selection? Bias in expression profiling? Raz et al. (2011) Protocol Dependence of Sequencing-Based Gene Expression Measurements. PLoS ONE 6(5): e doi: /journal.pone Cui et al. (2010) A comparison between ribo-minus RNA-sequencing and polyA-selected RNA- sequencing. Genomics 96:
Importance of Clean RNA Total RNA Depleted RNA “Clean” RNA “Dirty” RNA
It Depends...available RNA NuGen Ovation kit SMART/MINT amplified cDNA- important protocol steps controlling rounds of amplification
NuGen Ovation
SMART/MINT cDNA amplification
454 cDNA sequencing An example of platform-specific considerations. Roche cDNA sequencing kit NuGen Ovation kit SMART/MINT amplified cDNA- important protocol steps controlling rounds of amplification removal of polyA tail removal of amplification primer sequences
DSN Normalisation
RNA-Seq on Short-Read Platforms STaR kit from Ambion for SOLiD - WT and miRNA Tru-Seq from Illumina Script-Seq from Epicentre
Ambion STaR kit......SOLiD Sequencing
Epicentre Script-Seq....Illumina Sequencing
TruSeq Strand-Specific Kit Parkhomchuk et al., NAR 2009
NEB miRNA library....Illumina Sequencing Do not generate miRNA and total RNA-Seq library from the same library prep
It Depends... The nature of your experiment The sequencing platform employed The type of library preparation
The Centre for Genomic Research Neil Hall Director Andrew Cossins Director Steve PatersonDirector Christiane Hertz-FowlerManager Lesley Parsons Admin Bioinformatics analysts Roy Chaudhuri Rachael Brenchley Luca Lenzi Computer/Software development Xuan Liu Richard Gregory 454 Team Christian Bourne Illumina Team Suzanne Kay Richard Eccles Arrays/Capture systems/Tech Development Margaret Hughes John Kenny Lisa Olohan Lucille Rainbow Sample Receipt, QC Pia Koldkjaer Statistics Yongxiang Fang