FUBU For Us By Us
– The Pentecostal movement from which COGIC, was founded (in part) by a Black man James Seymour. http://www.southerncal-cogic.org/wseymr.jpg
This is the Church of God in Christ You can’t join her you have to be born in her.
Church of God In Christ - COGIC The Largest African American Pentecostal Denomination
COGIC This denomination was founded by Charles Harrison Mason and Charles Price Jones in 1895 in Lexington MS. Mason named it in 1897 claiming that God revealed it to him. http://www.greatervictoryonline.org/images/mason2.jpg http://www.blackhistoryreview.com/biography/CPJones.php
Mason and Jones were former Baptist ministers who were “expelled” because they aligned too closely to the Holiness churches. http://community-2.webtv.net/RGGATr/BishopRGGatlingSr/page4.html
James Seymour was the most influential figure in the Azusa Street Revival which occurred in the summer of 1906. http://www.ag.org/enrichmentjournal/199904/026_azusa_3.cfm
“Revived” While Mason, D. J. Young and J.A. Jeter, were at the Azusa Street Revival in LA Mason lead by William Seymour and received the “gift of the Spirit” which was demonstrated by him speaking in tongues or “glossolalia.” http://www.sendrevival.com/history/azusa_street/
Jones and Jeter split with Mason over the issue of speaking in tongues Jones and Jeter split with Mason over the issue of speaking in tongues. Mason thought it was necessary as a demonstration of being baptized by the Holy Ghost Jones did not.
Mason’s and Jones’ Churches Mason controlled the COGIC. Jones along with his supporters founded the “Church of Christ (Holiness)” http://www.cyberhymnal.org/img/j/o/jones_cp.jpg
COGIC Moves The COGIC was multiracial and Mason ordained many white preachers. From 1909 to 1914 the number of white and black churches was the same. Many white members split off and joined the Assembly of God. Mason established a national supervisor for women.
The Popularity of COGIC The Church grew to have churches in every state. The worship services are lively with shouts of affirmation, dances of praise, testimonies of goodness, songs of mercy as worshippers unashamedly “Praise the Lord.” There is heavy involvement of the laity. The Church believes in the demonstration of the “gifts of the Spirit.”