God Matters Year 2 Revelation Unit 5. Welcome and Gathering.


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Presentation transcript:

God Matters Year 2 Revelation Unit 5

Welcome and Gathering

Jesus calms the storm

Jesus heals the centurion’s servant

Jesus calms the storm Asleep!!

The centurion’s Jewish friends ask Jesus to come to heal his servant

The centurion does not think he is worthy of Jesus coming into his house

A Time to Pray

Come everyone, sing to God We are glad to praise our God, the God who made us all. We belong together. Come everyone, sing to God. Give God thanks and praise. Bless God’s holy name. Come everyone, sing to God. God’s love is forever, unending, God is with us always. based on Psalm 100

I believe in God the Father, who created the universe, the planets and the stars, the plants and the animals, people from all the countries of the world. I believe in Jesus, the Son of God. who came on earth as a baby. He taught us about his Father and how we should love others as he loves us. He died on the cross; he rose from the dead; he returned to his Father in heaven. Our Creed

I believe that Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us. I believe that the Holy Spirit is with us today and for always.

He's higher than a skyscraper He's deeper than a submarine He's wider than the universe And beyond my wildest dreams He's known me and He's loved me Since before the world began How wonderful to be a part of God's amazing plan Our God is a great big God Our God is a great big God Our God is a great big God and He holds us in His hands