United States District Court for the District of Utah Welcome to ECF Attorney Training. Please make sure you have picked up all materials located at the front of the room. Choose a computer and get comfortable. We will begin shortly.
This seminar provides attorneys and their staff with the knowledge needed to file on the electronic filing system. Topics we will cover today include: How to file documents electronically How to retrieve electronically filed documents How to receive electronic notice of filings What to do with material that can not be filed electronically What to do if you have difficulties filing electronically Legal issues including: electronic signatures, noticing and retention of original documents and system requirements
What is CM/ECF? Internet-based document filing system User-friendly Allows attorneys to electronically file pleadings with the Court Electronic filings are immediately placed on the Court’s official docket sheet Electronic notification of all filings Any modern PC with Internet access and web browser software can access CM/ECF
What are the benefits of CM/ECF? Electronic access to case files via the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Automatic notification of case activity. Reduction in mail, courier and copy fees. Fewer “last minute” trips to the Court.
At the end of this class you will be able to: File documents electronically View electronically filed documents Explain rules for electronic signatures, noticing, and retention of original documents
Review of Packet Contents (brought with you) Administrative Procedures Civil and Criminal – addresses for new civil cases (p. 9) Complaint and Civil Cover Sheet and summons in PDF format. Remember to include phone number. Clerk will call for credit card number You will receive notice when case is open Summons will be printed, issued and mailed to you Chambers addresses are also on page 9
Review of Packet Contents (brought with you) User Manual –Help Desk contact information (p. 4) –System requirements (p. 5) –What is a PDF and why are we using them? PDF stands for Portable Document Format It is an easily viewable and shareable document that preserves the appearance and formatting of the original document PACER - you must have a PACER account to access any case dockets or documents
Review of Packet Contents (we provided) Civil and Criminal Events Lists Helpful Hints Quick-reference for Utah Information Regarding DocKeting DifferenceS (QUIRKS) Attorney Issues –No combination documents –Docket pleadings in proper order –Docket in correct case - or main case in consolidated –Terming Deadlines –Extra text –Filing paper documents with the Court –Sealed Motion vs. Motion to Seal - Make sure wording is clear on document as to whether it is sealed or is requesting to seal another document
Review of Packet Contents (we provided) Privacy Policy - Attorney is responsible for redacting CM/ECF Assistance Quick List Top 10 E-Filer Problems Documents Not E-Filed Scanning Tips CM/ECF Glossary Sealed Events/Documents CM/ECF E-Filers Checklist PDF Documents - Text vs. Scanned How to Split a PDF Notice regarding Staples and Tabs - please distribute Summary vs. Individual s Registration Form
Registration Process Must be active and paid member of the Utah federal court Must meet training requirements - this class is one of those Submit Registration Form with original signature to the Court Court will mail user name and password to you User name will be up to six letters of last name, initial of first and middle name Password is randomly generated and can be changed by contacting the Court By registering you are consenting to only receive notice via (see #5 on registration form.)