Chapter 10
Roots grow deep into the dirt and some surface cells are“scratched” away So… Root Tip Cells must divide rapidly = MITOSIS!
Cell division allows organisms to grow and reproduce. Also, cells cannot function effectively if they are too large. Compare the surface area to volume ratio.
Cell differentiation: when cells take on specific structures and functions Different organisms may have different types of cells (e.g. bacterium) There may be many different types of cells in the SAME organism (e.g. human)
Neurons (top) Conduct impulses throughout our body so that we can move, think, feel, etc Some NEVER divide Muscle cells (bottom) Used for movement Works like a spring
Cheek cells (top) Divide approximately every three days because food scrapes off surface layers Intestinal cells (bottom) Divides quickly because food and bile scrape off surface layers Frequently have cilia (hair-like projections) to help “move” food down the digestive tract
Proteins called cyclins control parts of the cell cycle. Internal regulators are cyclins that control events INSIDE the cell. For example, some cyclins pause mitosis until chromosomes are copied. Once this occurs, then it resumes mitosis. External regulators are cyclins that control events OUTSIDE of the cell. For example, cells grow until they reach other cells (e.g. healing a wound). Some cyclins tell the cells to stop dividing so that it won’t interfere with other tissues.
Cancer is uncontrolled cell division. Since cancerous cells belong to the organism itself, the organism’s body has difficulty detecting and fighting the cancerous cells. Glycoproteins on cell membrane are “self markers”
Cancerous cells tend to form a clump called a tumor, but sometimes in later stages of cancer, the cancerous cells metastasize. Metastasize means that they move to other parts of the body. For example, a cancerous lung cell might migrate to the brain and spread the cancer.
Inherited Genetic Mutation Carcinogens (e.g. certain chemicals in cigarettes) Overexposure to radiation (e.g. sunlight) Diet / Exercise Other
Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy Magnets??? Alternative Options