Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Silvia ZORZETTI ESR4.1, WP4 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Silvia ZORZETTI ESR4.1, WP4 1

 BSc Degree: Università degli studi di Napoli, Federico II  Main field of study: Electronics engineering  Thesis title: Analysis of the Raw Process Time on Dry Etch equipment for DRAM manufacturing  Internship: Micron Technology (Italy)  MSc Degree: Università di Pisa  Main field of study: Electronics engineering, electronic systems  Thesis title: Digital Signal Processing and Generation for a DC Current Transformer for Particle Accelerators  Internship: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA) Background / 2 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015

ESR4.1, WP4 /  Contract starting date: 1 st April 2014  PACMAN subject: Alignment and Resolution of a Beam Position Monitor Operating at Microwave Frequencies in the Nanometer Regime  PhD in: Information Engineering  PhD Institution: Università di Pisa  Secondment: National Instruments Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 CERN SupervisorManfred WENDT Academic supervisorLuca FANUCCI Industry supervisorBotond BARABAS 3

 Title: Alignment and Integration of Beam Devices for Particle Accelerators at Microwave Frequencies in the Sub-Micrometer Regime  Starting date: 01/11/2013  Status: First year passed; Second year review foreseen on December 2015  Credits obtained / Credits required : 22/35 4 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 PhD Thesis / Information Engineering University of Pisa

For future electron/positron linear collider CLIC at CERN, a strong focusing beam is required to produce a high number of particle collisions (luminosity) at high frequency 5 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Main Beam Quadrupole (MBQ)  to focus the beam Beam Position Monitor (BPM)  to detect the beam position Final Objective – INTEGRATION Align the CLIC accelerator components in the sub- um regime on a standalone test bench PACMAN final objective

Beam Position Monitor (BPM) characterization  Electrical center  Study of the resolution 6 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / BPM-MBQ Integration  Define the linear zone of the BPM  Hardware and software integration of different systems  Stretched-wire measurements Role in PACMAN

 Test two measurement methods on the BPM Test Bench  Find the best trade off between integration and measurement sensitivity  Find the relative and the absolute position of the electrical center with a sub-micrometric error  Integrate the BPM with the magnet on a standalone test bench  Find the magnetic-electrical centers displacement in the µm-meter regime  Demonstrate the nano-metric resolution of the BPM-MBQ system 7 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 State of the art / BPM Test Bench and Integration

 Resolution to find the BPM Electrical center between 1 and 2 µm  Resolution to find the magnetic center between 10 and 20 µm  The offset between the magnetic and electrical centers was calculated by number of steps of the translation stages, without referencing the position to any external fiducial. 8 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Research gap / At Desy for TTF2 Literature review  The PACMAN BPM resolution is expected to be ~50nm.  This result was achieved by the designer (A. Lunin - Fermilab) only by simulations BPM Design at Fermilab D. Noelle e t Al. “BPMs with Precise Alignment for TTF2”, AIP Conf.Proc. 732 (2004) A. Lunin et Al., “Design of a Submicron Resolution Cavity BPM for the CLIC Main LINAC”, TD-Note – TD

 The PACMAN BPM operates at 15GHz, such high frequency range requires more accurate RF electronics and precision mechanics  At DESY: strip line BPM at 325MHz  For the PACMAN Project we want to achieve a sub-micrometric resolution and for the BPM electrical center and for the quadrupole magnetic  At DESY: ~um for the BPM and ~10um for the magnet  The offset between the two center will be measured with the aid of a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) available at CERN, referencing the wire position to an external fiducial  At DESY the offset was measured by means of the count of the stepper motor, without any external fiducial  The nano-metric resolution of the RF-BPM will be proved by a dedicated nano positioning system (in collaboration with D. Tshilumba ESR 3.3)  BPM resolution anticipated as ~50nm 9 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Research gap / Challenge

 Build a dedicated BPM Test Bench  Find the best measurement method  Perform RF accurate measurements and translation stages  Perform stretched-wire measurements on the Quad-BPM test bench  Have a micrometric displacement between the BPM electrical center and the quadrupole magnetic center  Prove the resolution of the BPM in the nanometer regime 10 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Objectives

 Resonant Frequencies  Quality Factor  Impact of the wire  Find the best measurement method 11 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Simulations on the BPM cavity Simulations Method followed

12 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Identification of the measurement method Signal excitation A 15 GHz CW signal is fed on a conductive stretched wire, causing an excitation in a similar way as the beam. By small transverse movements of the BPM with respect to the wire it is possible to scan the cavity and find the electrical center. Perturbation analysis The cavity BPM is excited via one of the lateral waveguide-to-coaxial ports, and the output signal is analyzed on the opposite waveguide. A conductive stretched-wire is used as a perturbation target inside the cavity. Measurement methods Method followed

13 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / BPM Test Bench and Measurements BPM test bench design In collaboration with N. Galindo Munoz (ESR 4.2) Signal excitationPerturbation Analysis -Sensibility -Resolution -Repeatability -Linear zone -Electrical center Test Bench Method followed

14 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Integration The BPM needs to be integrated with the magnet Linear Zone Electrical Center Measurement on the Quad-BPM system Electrical and Magnetic centers displacement Compact electronic interface including Vibrating and temperature sensors Translation stages controller Signal generation and Acquisition Integration Method followed In collaboration with the other ESRs: ESRs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3: Metrology ESR 2.2: Magnetic Measurements ESR 3.1: Integration ESR 3.2: Seismic sensors ESR 3.3: Nanoposition system ESR 4.1: BPM Measurements

Project / 15 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 BPM Test Bench Familiarization and Specifications Jul.14 Drawings and commercial components Oct.14 Manufacturing and commissioning Feb. 15 Measurements and preliminary results Apr.15 BPM and MBQ Integration Measurement method identification for the integration Detailed measurements exploring other methods Dec.15 Apr.15 Measurements on the BPM-Quad Test Bench May.16 Study of the BPM resolution Identification of the method Nov.15 Study accomplished Jul.16 Requirements and Specifications Jun.15 Drawings and commercial parts Sep.15 Task Description

BPM resonant cavity 16 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Results Dipole Mode at 15GHz When the dipole mode is excited (beam off-centered), for both the polarizations the respective set of waveguides transfers the signal to the coaxial output ports. When the beam is off-center the signal picked up from the later waveguides is proportional to the distance from the center Quasi – linear zone ~±300nm Simulations

PROS: Higher sensitivity around the electrical center. CONS: The coaxial line, formed by wire and beam pipe, needs to be terminated, which makes the integration with the quadrupole magnet more difficult. 17 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Results Methods comparison Signal Excitation Measurement methods Perturbation Analysis PROS: The integration with the magnet will be easier, and electrical and magnetic center could be measured using a setup without RF impedance. matching CONS: The sensitivity is lower around the electrical center, the measure may be less accurate

The method chosen for the integration is the Perturbation Analysis, since it is the best fit for the integrate bench 18 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project /  Measurements have been performed with an Agilent Network analyzer.  Future measurements with a system built with NI products to perform automatic measurements and control the hexapod Test Bench assembled Results Natalia Galindo Munoz Alain Paul Gilles Demougeot Nicolas Sebastien Chritin

The Hexapod has been validated in order to prove the micrometric resolution and to test the measurement error and the repeatability with the help of the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) at CERN 19 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Hexapod Validation Results Specifications: Minimum Incremental Motion (X; Y; Z)[μm]= 0.5,0.5,0.25 Uni-directional Repeatability (X;Y; Z)[μm]= 0.5,0.5,0.25 Bi-directional Repeatability (X; Y; Z)[μm]= 4,4,2 Centered Load Capacity [Kg]= 20 Results: Uni-directional Repeatability (Z)[μm]= 0.25 Bi-directional Repeatability (Z)[μm]= 1.5 Centered Load Capacity [Kg]= 5 Step size: 5μm on the z-axis With N. Galindo Munoz and D. Glaude

20 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Step size 500µm Simulation E-field pattern 2D Measurements Results E-field proportional distribution 1D Electrical Center

21 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Step size 20µm Simulation E-field pattern 2D E-field proportional distribution 1D Measurements Results

22 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Training /  CERN  CST Studio at CERN  LabVIEW Structures at CERN  CAS, Introduction to Accelerator Physics, organized by CERN  PACMAN Network  CST Studio on specific topics at CERN  Metrology training at CERN  RF Measurements at University of Rome, La Sapienza  University of Pisa  RF CAD at University of Pisa  CAD for industrial parts at University of Pisa

23 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Training /  Current measurements have been performed with an Agilent Network Analyzer and storing point by point the measurements  At National Instruments (NI) in Debrecen (HU), in collaboration with Natalia Galindo Munoz (ESR 4.2) and Botond Barabas we are working to automate the measurements process  Hexapod Control  Data Analysis and Generation  This system can be used also for the integrated design Secondment 3-month NI Secondment  Measurements and controls using NI products  FPGA Programming (in Budapest from the 10 th to the 13 th of June)

Communication training for guides at CERN Making presentation Team Building 24 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Training / Transferable skills

PACMAN workshop, IMEKO 2014, NI week, IBIC15, Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Outreach & Disseminatio n/ Conferences & workshop Outreach International Journals  IOP Journal Measurement Science and Technology “Design of the 15GHz BPM Test Bench for the CLIC Test Facility to perform precise stretched-wire RF measurements“, S. Zorzetti, L. Fanucci, N. Galindo Munoz, M. Wendt Under 2 nd review  CERN Open Days  Researcher’s night  Interview for the “Debrecen NI” (local journal)

26 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Network Opportunities/  PACMAN workshop  Industries and academics  Secondment at NI  NI week in Austin  Conferences  Imeko14, IBIC15  Cern Accelerator Schools (CAS)

“The unique multi-disciplinary PACMAN network, which includes the University of Pisa, CERN and National Instruments, gives a special opportunity to study across disciplines on a variety of topics, carrying on a challenging technical project, and merging the academic and the industrial practice. At the end of this experience I will have for sure improved my technical and my social and human skills, and without doubts this experience will represent an excellent springboard for my future career.” 27 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Impact/

Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Thank you for your attention 28

BPM resonant cavity 29 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Results Monopole Mode at 11GHz When the monopole mode is excited, there is no signal picked-up from the waveguides. Dipole Mode at 15GHz When the dipole mode is excited (beam off-centered), for both the polarizations the respective set of waveguides transfers the signal to the coaxial output ports.

A 15 GHz CW signal is fed on a conductive stretched wire, causing an excitation of the TM110 dipole mode of the cavity BPM, in a similar way as the beam. By small transverse movements of the BPM with respect to the wire it is possible to scan the cavity and the signal minimum, i.e. the electrical center. 30 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / Results Two Methods – Signal Excitation Quasi – linear zone ~±300nm Measurement method

The cavity BPM is excited via one of the lateral waveguide-to-coaxial ports, and the output signal is analyzed on the opposite waveguide. A conductive stretched-wire is used as a perturbation target inside the cavity. 31 Silvia ZORZETTI, ESR4.1 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Project / |S21| is maximum with the wire in the center of the cavity, since in that position there is no E-field. When the wire moves outside the cavity center it drains part of the power. Two Methods – Perturbation Analysis Results Measurement method