When I graduate High School This Presentation consists of what I’ll do after high school College Job/career Home
Before and After High school Before High school Take extra credit classes Study for my college classes Participate in sports Work a part time job for food, clothes; and college money UCLA is my dream college, I’m planning to study cardiology but I’m assuming that it’ll cost money for the books. After high school Graduate work part time job over the summer Prepare for college if I get accepted Study cardiology online instead of buying books to save money.
Career Like I said I’m planning to study cardiology and wish to be the best one. Surgeons make a lot of money a year so that’s another reason why I’m choosing this career The thing I have to do most for this job is to go to a good medical school and study my butt off
Home I would like to live in South California or North California Why I want to live here is because I don’t like it when winter comes or the cold in general I think I can meet new people as I go around there and to go to college there I’m considering buying a apartment like this when I get the money
Extra things As of right now I’m trying to learn to dance with different styles. I mean I already got them down but I just need practice to be good I’m trying to be good at dancing because having talent is better than doing nothing When I go to high school I’m doing things on my own and repaying my parents for what they have done for me I want to do things I have never done before I want to go to south Korea, and Europe
This concludes my power point