The count of students that meet requirements to be funded by the state. Approx. $6000 per student Official Count Day is October 1 st The window is Sept 24 th – Oct 8 th A student must have a schedule and attendance in order to be counted.
Withdraw any No-Shows Check that all students have classes/schedules Use the Student Gap Scheduler (found under Scheduling) Only worry about Semester 1 Secondary Make sure to check mark classes that meet on A Day in the ‘A’ Column and classes that meet on B Day in the B Column Elementary Only run the report for AM and PM Attendance (not courses) Run the report for KA, KP, and then K-5 th Grade
A student must establish membership in one of the following ways: Attend on Oct. 1 st Attend in the 5 days preceding Oct. 1 st AND the 5 days following Oct. 1 st Attend in the 5 days preceding Oct. 1 st AND resume attendance within 30 calendar days following Oct. 1 st Teachers must take 100% complete &accurate attendance throughout the window Print the Classroom Monitor each day 9/24 – 10/8 It needs to be blank EVERYDAY
The Attendance Register should be printed twice: 1) On October 1 st, the Register should be printed for your Review (This one does not need to filed in the notebook) Date Range: 9/24 – 10/1 Enrollment effective date of 10/1 for EACH GRADE LEVEL (Elementary – this includes CPP & Sped PK) 2) On October 8 th, the Register should be printed for the Notebook Date Range: 9/24 – 10/8 Enrollment effective date of 10/1 for EACH GRADE LEVEL (Elementary – this includes CPP & Sped PK)
Use the Grade Dropdown for Grades K-12 Use the Ad Hoc Dropdown for Preschool CPP &Sped
Please indicate the total number of students listed for each grade level. Please indicate PT students (82) & students that can’t be counted (86). Secondary – You may need to write the names of students in programs such as CDC, Lincoln School, LSU, DLA, etc.
A Student must be scheduled for the entire 1 st Semester = 1 st and 2 nd Quarters/Trimesters. Full Time Membership 360 Hours/Semester = 250 minutes per day Part Time Membership 90 Hours/Semester = 65 minutes per day Schedules NEED to be reviewed prior to September 30th Schedules are expected to meet FT membership Every student schedule must be checked!
Under the Scheduling Module click on Reports and then select Schedule Batch The screen should reflect the options as shown below. Use the default format Select one grade at a time Enrollment Effective Date = 10/01/2014 Print one copy per student’s primary address Then click on Generate Report. Once the report generates in PDF, Save the file. them as attachments to Amber Muir
User Name: last name_first name Password: Your Password On the Index Expand CO State Reporting Expand SV Custom Reports Choose Schedule-October Count Must run final Schedules on October 1st
A district may include foreign exchange students in the membership count if they meet the membership requirements. Code them with a Residency Status of Non-Resident Enter their Country into the Residency District/State field students for whom the district is receiving tuition (e.g. students with F-1 visa) shall not be included in the membership count. students on a J-1 visa shall not be included in membership count if the student has graduated school from the country in which the student resides or if the district is receiving tuition.
The student must achieve a grade of “ C ” or above on any course to be included in the calculation to determine full or part-time status. Only able to count courses which count for credit toward meeting the graduation requirements to determine full or part-time membership. A student can be counted Full-Time if the course(s) is equal to at least 6 semester credit hours. A student can be counted Part-Time if the course(s) is equal to at least 3 semester credit hours. A student attending classes at the district and an institution of higher learning can meet the attendance requirements at either location. The sum of the student’s schedule at the school district and at the institution shall be used to determine full or part-time status.
students held in these centers may be included in the student count if they meet the following criteria: The student was in attendance in the current school year preceding the count date, Has not withdrawn from the district of residence, And the resident district received a notification from the district in which the detention center is located verifying the student was in the center as of the count day.
If a home bound student is receiving school district instruction and meets the following criteria, the student may be counted: The student is enrolled on the official count date. The student is receiving instruction that includes, but is not limited to, instruction delivered using technology under the supervision of a certificated or licensed teacher. The determination of full-time or part-time status is based upon the number of hours indicated on the student’s schedule prior to homebound services There is a contract in place and provided in the audit notebook that is dated on or before 10/1/2014
Students participating in an independent study program can include only those hours defined in the student’s schedule that are under the supervision of a licensed teacher. Students must be enrolled on the official count date. Only the time of supervised student-teacher instruction and contact can be counted. A student participating ONLY in independent study shall be counted a maximum of 0.5 FTE.
October count requirements for students ages are the same as for all other students. Students may not be counted if a diploma has been issued or graduation requirements have been met. Transition students must be enrolled on the official count date and must be actively participating in program activities. The determination of full-time or part-time status is based upon the number of hours of student/staff contact time provided or paid for by the district. All direct, supervised or purchased services must be documented in a student schedule and/or the services page of the student’s IEP. Students receiving credit for a successful completion of program activities must result in credit toward a high school diploma. Attendance documentation is required and may include time sheets from job sites, attendance records from post secondary schools, and documentation of contact with the supervising teacher/staff. I will contact schools with lists of these students and provide the IEP service page to serve as the schedule. Many of these students are only eligible to be counted Part-Time
A truant student may be included in the count if the student was enrolled and in attendance during the current school year prior to the official count date, was truant during the entire eleven-day count period, and the district has taken legal action provided in the statutes to compel the student’s attendance. Legal action may include a notification to the parent(s) of intent to file with the court and direction has been given to the attorney to file, or that action by the court was requested within 10 school days following the official count day. A truant student must not have reached the age of 17 as of the official count date.
On October 1 st : Expand Student Information Expand Reports Select Enrollment Summary Make sure the Enrollment Effective Date is set to 10/01/2014 Uncheck the Service Types S:Partial & N:Special Ed Services Click Generate Report
Week of October 13 th – October 17 th All documentation is due no later than October 17 th ! Secondary Schools need to schedule audit with Amber Elementary Schools need to schedule audit with Pam Items to be included with October Count Notebook listed on Page 17 in manual All audits will be held at Records – ESC Lincoln 619 Bowen St. Sign up on the Google Doc found on the blog:
We have plenty of room here, Don’t hesitate to setup a time to work quietly! New Clerks September 22 nd 2:00-3:30 DTS Computer Lab 2929 Clover Basin Dr.
Another Count - Tomorrow, Wednesday the 11 th Adios Pam and I are on vacation next week. Back on Monday, the 22 nd
T HANKS AND H AVE A GREAT DAY ! Amber ext Pam ext