Southern Californian Edison Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of more than 13 million people in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Southern California. COUNTIES SERVED Inyo County Riverside County Kern County San Bernardino County Los Angeles County Santa Barbara County Mono County Tulare County Orange County Ventura County
How to do Business with SCE 1.Find out if SCE buys your products or services. 2.Make sure you have the appropriate certifications. 3.Provide supplier technical qualification, if necessary, to SCE. 4.Market products or services to the buyer(s) and end users at SCE. 5.Respond to an invitation to bid – whether or not an actual bid is made. 6.If you win a contract, congratulations! 7.If you don’t win a contract, find out why. 8.Seek subcontracting opportunities.
Opportunities Immediate opportunities Banking and accounting –Tax & audit services –Cables –Capacitors –Meters Ongoing –Construction
Contact Information Website : Or call (800) Contact our Supplier Diversity Managers Vincent Craney or (626) Dennis Thurston or (626) Grace Whitcomb or (626)